- 意義的挑釁--德希達與保羅.德曼的解構主義及其在當代社會的文化解釋探究
- 機器翻譯之生產及消費--由解構主義觀點論析
- 前衛運動、現代主義與後現代主義(2)
- 從文本到「文字書寫」--德希達對書寫的解構理論研究(1)
- A Genealogy of Postmodern Anti-essentialism: Nietzsche and Derrida
- 從文本到「文字書寫」--德希達對書寫的解構理論研究(2)
- 從文本到「文字書寫」--德希達對書寫的解構理論研究(3)
- 從辯證到文本:論卡爾.巴特與後現代神/學
- 從文本到「文字書寫」--德希達對書寫的解構理論研究(5)
- Racism and Its Textuality: A Deconstructionist Debate
題 名 | 意義的挑釁--德希達與保羅.德曼的解構主義及其在當代社會的文化解釋探究=Provocation of Meaning: On J. Derrida's and Paul De Man's Deconstructionism and Their Cultural Interpretation in Contemporary Society |
作 者 | 石計生; | 書刊名 | 東吳社會學報 |
卷 期 | 11 民90.12 |
頁 次 | 頁1-42 |
分類號 | 540.24 |
關鍵詞 | 德希達; 保羅.德曼; 解構主義; 延異; 文本; 一般文本; 電子書寫; Derrida; Paul de Man; Deconstructionism; Differance; Text; General text; Electronic writing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要是闡述法國社會學理論家德希達(J. Derrida)及其步伍者-美國耶魯學派理論健將保羅.德曼(Paul De Man)的解構主義,其中論述的傳承與差異是在怎樣的脈絡下產生。兩人均以「疑難」(aporia)的非理性思考為出發,德希達的解構思想影響保羅.德曼離開新批評的文本敘事的「細讀」,而進入文本的內在差異閱讀的解構主義。進而,作者從理論邏輯與方法論認為,相對於「邏各斯中心主義」/「語音中心主義」的朝向意義秩序的理論思考,德希達的「延異」「文字」「一般文本」和保羅.德曼耶魯學派的「文本優先性」「文本寓意」「不可閱讀性」所展示的是對於意義的挑釁。其運動類似「光子」,呈現差異、差異的蹤跡和空間化的系統遊戲,是一種對於「意義」的「測不準原理」。意義是零碎或散佈在整個符號鎖鍊之中,它是無法輕易被敲定,絕對不是充分現存於某個單一符號,而是呈現與缺席同時不斷閃爍的狀態。解構因此乃為當代社會學理論的一個重要的另類思考。 其次,本文探究在資訊化與網絡社會崛起之後,人類的心智作為具有反饋迴路性格的生產力成為一種普遍運作的狀態,電子交換媒介構成的社會正逐漸模糊了傳統生產與消費的界線,而形成一個當代資訊社會。德希達之向歷史和社會文化敞開的「一般文本」,在面對處處是黑洞的當代社會展現其解釋能力。本文作者以電子書寫、超文本與網際網路結合為例說明,閱讀是對文本內在虛無無有定所的探險,而文本就揭露了意義乃是虛無飄渺,真理是幽然不可尋,「一般文本」所彰顯的「主體/客體」模糊的異化狀態,表現為當代人類面對未來的迷惘。 |
英文摘要 | Of special interest on the theories of Deconstruction, this paper focuses on the thought and comparison of J. derrida and his successor, Paul De Man. In the light of the concept of 'aporia', Derrida's deconstruction pushes De Man into a non-New Critics way of reading, inner-difference reading, deconstruction reading. In contrast to traditional Logoscentrism/phonocentrism, the main ideas of Derrida and De Man, such as differance, writing, general text, textual priority, textual allergy, and unreadiability, provoke our understanding of meaning to chaos. As Heisenberg's uncertainty principle of photon, deconstruction leads us to observe the uncertainty principle of meaning-the trace of difference and systematic game in text. In the chains of signification, Meaning is difficult to be defined, and is always in a stage between presence and absence. Deconstruction, the method to explore the uncertainty of meaning, becomes an alternative way of thinking in contemporary sociological theories. In advance, this paper explores Derrida's and De Man's deconstruction in the context of modern network society. Modern network society is an informational society in terms of electronic communication, globalization, and human mind as part of productivity. Derrida's concept of general text offers a powerful insight for describing human's alienation in a post-electronic writing era. Meaning is a meaningless effort in a textual adventure. Giving examples of writing through hypertext, and internet, we conclude that it is a 'not knowing where to go' journal if society itself as a text. |