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題 名 | 捷運車站行人設施服務水準模擬評估--VISSIM之應用=A Study of Customer Acceptance on Lower Deck Space with Seats or Sleepers for Intercity Bus |
作 者 | 許添本; 吳翔文; | 書刊名 | 都市交通 |
卷 期 | 16:2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-11 |
分類號 | 441.451 |
關鍵詞 | 捷運車站; 行人流; 服務水準; MRT station; Simulation; Passenger flow; Level of service; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 捷運車站內行人設施服務品質係一個捷運系統服務品質好壞的重要指標。由於乘客數可能會隨時間而有所改變,各設施服務品質亦隨之有所不同,若能使用模擬方式,針對不同的假設乘客數量進行分析,可了解哪些服務設施之服務品質較差,以便事先有所防範與改進。故本研究以德國所研發之VISSIM模擬模式,構建捷運車站內之行人動線,模擬捷運車站內行人流動的情形,經由驗證與應用,評估其模擬績效。再透過輸入不同的流量值,求出在不同流量下各服務設施(平面通道、樓梯、電扶梯、驗票閘門)之服務水準,評估何者為捷運車站瓶頸所在,可供設計者參考。 |
英文摘要 | Passenger facility is a main factor affects the level of service of a MRT station. It depends on the varying demands during different periods. Therefore, using the simulation to evaluate the level of service of passenger facility could be a useful method for checking the design performance of a MRT station. In this paper, a microscopic simulation system is adopted to simulate the performance of a station. Under different inputs of passenger demand using the simulation, the congested points of a station can be identified. It is useful for checking the design performance and states the improvement measures in advance. It can be a good reference for designer of a MRT station. |