題 名 | 寫作認知策略教學(CSIW)對國小學童寫作品質影響之研究=The Influence of Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing on the Qualities of Writing of Primary School Students |
作 者 | 劉明松; | 書刊名 | 臺東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 12(上) 民90.06 |
頁 次 | 頁87-114 |
分類號 | 523.313 |
關鍵詞 | 寫作認知策略教學; 寫作品質; 寫作表現; Cognitive strategy instruction in writing; Quality of writing; Writing performance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究為一實驗研究,其實驗設計採等組前後浿蔎計。以高雄市瑞祥國小五年級的 十五個班級中,隨機抽取二班,並分派為實驗組及控制組,旨在探討寫作認知策略教學對國 小學童寫作品質之影響。本研究主要發現如下: (一)寫作認知策略教學對國小學童之寫作品質或表現有增進效果。 (二)國小學童對於寫作略教學需求度甚高。依據本研究之探討及所結果,對「過程導向」的寫 作認知策略教學之推展應用,以及未來研究方面提出如下幾點建議: (一)在推展應用方面 1. 寫作認知略教學可提昇國小學童寫作品質或表現,並增進其語文能力,值得有關單位 及人員推展與應用。 2. 傳統「學生寫、教師改」之靜態作文教學方式,已不合時宜及不符需求,教師應摒棄 之,多充實及應用有關「過程導向」的寫作認知策略與教學知能,確實實施相關寫作 策略教學,以提昇學生之寫作品質與能力。 3. 寫作認知策略教學可應用在細步或特定寫作階段及能力的訓練上,效果會更顯著。 4. 寫作認知策略教學也可應用在其他學科,只要在課程或單位教學設計及教學實施過程 上,略作修正即可。 (二)在未來研究方面 5. 在研究對象上,可以國中生、低成就生、學習困難、學習障礙及輕度智障學生等為實 驗教對象,探討其成效,擴大此策略應用範圍,加強推展之。 6. 在研究範圍上,可實施細步或特定寫作階段及能力的研究,增進此策略之說服力,而 能受重視與應用。 在研究過程上,宜注意實驗教學時間之安排,盡可能排除干擾因素,一增進實驗研究之結果。 |
英文摘要 | This research conducted pre- and posttest studies with equivalent group design to examine the influence of Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (CSIW) on the qualities of writing of primary school students. In this study, two fifth classes of Jui-hsing Primary School in Kaohsiung City were randomly sampled and assigned to experimental and control groups. The findings of this study are described as followings: First, CSIW is helpful for promoting students' qualities of writing and writing performance. Second, this study revealed the needs of strategy instruction in writing for primary school students. According to the results of this research, several suggestions are provided as the followings: In aspect of developing and applying, it includes the followings: CSIW can promote the primary school students' qualities of writing and writing performance, and enhance their abilities of language. Thus, the administrators and educators are suggested to implement CSIW in writing instruction for students. The traditional methods of writing instruction cannot meet the needs of students; and teachers should conduct the process-oriented CSIW in classed. If CSIW is implemented on training specific stages or writing abilities, it will be substantially helpful for students in writing performance. After minor modification in curricula and learning process, CSIW can also be implemented on the other academic subjects. In the aspect of future studies, it includes the followings: The further studies can recruit the subjects from junior high school students, underachievers, and students with learning difficulty, learning disability, or mild mental retardation. To conduct the study on specific stages or abilities of writing. To address on arranging the appropriate timing of instruction and reducing the interfering factors as possible. |