題 名 | 平面廣告留白效果之探索性研究=The Effect of White Space on Print Advertising--An Exploratory Study |
作 者 | 葉明義; 莊芳瑛; | 書刊名 | 臺大管理論叢 |
卷 期 | 11:2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁295-314 |
分類號 | 962 |
關鍵詞 | 平面廣告; 留白; Print ad; White space; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 平面廣告要在喧擾的廣告訊息中脫穎而出,留白是一個常用的手段。本研究採用兩個實驗以探索留白對平面廣告的影響。不同程度的留白比率所產生對廣告的注意率及對廣告的意象為實驗一探討的重點。在實驗二中請受訪者將廣告版面上被佔用的區域畫出,以暸解不同版面表現在讀者視覺上之留白感受。 實驗一發現廣告留白比率與注意率間呈現非正向的關餘,大留白比率與小留白比率之注意率皆較中留白比率為高。而讀者對廣告所產生的意象,則以對中留白比率者優於大留白比率者,小留白比率者最差,其間亦不存在正向關係。 實驗二發現消費者對於留白的認定與學術定義差異相當大。商標/品名區容易被消費者忽略而將之視為留白;超過四成的人對經銷商資訊視而不見。 |
英文摘要 | For print ads to stand out among a clutter of advertising messages, white space is a useful tactic. In this study, we investigated the impact of white space on print advertisements by conducting two experiments. The first focused on the attention rates as well as the images viewers had for ads with different levels of white space. In the second experiment, participants were asked to mark the area of occupied space in order to understand their perception of white space on different parts of an ad. A non proportional relationship between white space level and viewers' attention rate was found in the first experiment. When white space level was either high or low, the attention rate was higher than that for middle level. On the other hand, better image could be resulted from ads with middle level white space than with high level white space, which in turn was followed by low level case. The relationship was not positive either. It was realized from the second experiment that viewers' perceptions of the white space area were quite different from how the term is defined academically. Brand name/ logo area was commonly neglected and treated as white space by consumers. More than forty-one percent of the subjects didn't notice the area occupied by distributor list. |