- 三層樓主動斜撐控制系統試驗研究
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題 名 | 三層樓主動斜撐控制系統試驗研究=Experimental Study of a Three-story Building Model with Active Bracing Control System |
作 者 | 王安培; 陳遠亮; 吳峰凱; | 書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 29:1 2001.03[民90.03] |
頁 次 | 頁31-37 |
分類號 | 441.571 |
關鍵詞 | 結構控制; 滑動模式控制法; 可變結構控制系統; 主動鋼鍵; Structure control; Sliding mode control; Variable structure control system; Active bracing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主旨在探討國家地震工程研究中心之三層樓全尺寸鋼結構模型架設主動斜撐元件以進行振動台試驗之過程,並測試控制律的效能及驗證主動斜撐系統在結構耐震及減振上之可行性。 控制理論方面,本文使用滑動模式控制法,並將其改良使其能應用於結構控制實驗。數值模擬結果證實,本文控制法可以有效應用於樓房結構控制,而實驗結果顯示樓房受主動斜撐作用,各層樓最大位移量約可折減原來無控位移量的50%'最大控制力約為結構總重之4%,驗證了本文控制法在實務上的可行性,另外使用主動斜撐元件可有效減少結構反應,故理論上主動斜撐系統應用於結構耐震及減振為可行的方法。 |
英文摘要 | Active bracing is one of active control devices. An actuator is mounted on the bracing and control force is applied to the structure by changing the disp1ac巴ment of the actuator. Small in dimension, litt1e stroke requirement and low energy consumption are the advantages of active racing. In this paper the feasibility of both active bracing and control algorithm is studied by shaking table tests. The building mode1 is a three-story full-scale structure in which a pair of active bracing are installed at the first floor. S1iding mode control a1gorithmis modified for the experimenta1 investigation. From numerical simulation, the a1gorithmis verified to be effective for the control ofbuilding structures. The algorithm is further verified through experimental study. Under control, the response of each floor can be reduced by 50% and the requirement of contr01 force is ranged from 800 to 1200 kg which is about 4% ofthe structure weight (30ωn). Therefore active bracing system incorporated with S1iding mode contr01 is feasib1e for vibration suppression. |