題 名 | 本國銀行服務品質之探討--以臺南地區為例=A Study on Service Quality of Native Banking Industry--Tainan Area as an Example |
作 者 | 莊雙喜; 吳慶壽; | 書刊名 | 長榮學報 |
卷 期 | 4:2 2001.01[民90.01] |
頁 次 | 頁139-162 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 銀行業; 服務品質; PZB模式; Banking industry; Service quality; PZB model; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著金融自由化、國際化的發展趨勢,並順應臺灣加入WTO之後,所需面臨的金融環境之變遷,商業銀行業所面臨的第一個課題,正是服務品質的提升。本研究以臺南地區的商業銀行(包括舊公營、舊民營及新銀行共三十家)一般客戶為研究對象,以問卷調查的方式,利用PZB模式的23項服務屬性量表,探討銀行客戶對於往來銀行在服務品質的知覺服務及期望服務之認知狀況,研究之方法大致如下: 一、利用集群分析和銀行型態兩種分群方式,對所有銀行客戶作分群,以鑑別效度及ANOVA分析,探討因素分析所萃取的因素構面,是否有顯著的差異;相對地,以銀行經營型態為分群依據的ANOVA分析中,在相同的因素構面上是否有顯著性之差異存在。 二、依據集群分析方法所區隔出來的客戶群,分別命名為高、中、低服務品質認知群,再以因素構面的平均值高低狀況,比較個別銀行在因素構面的平均值,將所有銀行分類為高、中、低三種服務品質。 三、利用卡方檢定分析客戶的性別、婚姻、年齡、學歷、年所得、職業、與銀行往來時間及每月往來次數對於區隔客戶群和銀行型態客戶群的適合度檢定,以瞭解這兩種分群方式,在這些項目上是否有顯著的差異存在。 |
英文摘要 | With the trend of financial deregulation, globalization, and the change of financial environment after Taiwan's entrance into WTO, the first task of the domestic banks is the improvement of service quality. This research takes customers of domestic banks (totally 30 Banks, including government owned banks, old privately operated banks, and new privately operated banks) in Taiwan area as the target of this study, and uses 23 items of service attribute measures of PZB model to ask the customers about their recognition of perceived and expected service quality of the banks they deal with. Our conclusions are as follows: Segmenting all Bank customers by two methods: cluster analysis and type of bank, we found that the former method shows significant difference for all of the four dimensions extracted by factor analysis in both discriminating validity and ANOVA analysis Comparatively, in ANOVA analysis which segmented the banks by their operation type, we found that the differences between all banks only exist in the factor of convenience level, but there is no significant difference between old and new privately operated banks. So it suggests that Taiwan resident's consumption behavior of bank service is not the same as those in different area. We name the customer groups discriminated by cluster analysis as high, middle, and low-service-quality recognition groups respectively and then compare the individual bank's average score of four factors, finally categorize all banks into high, middle, and low-service-quality groups. Banks belonging to low-service-quality group are all new ones. Five out of eight old banks are middle-service-quality group. The remaining three are of high service quality. Chi-Square test is employed to exam the goodness of fit of customers' gender, marriage, age, education, income, job, interactive time and frequency with banks, and we found that both two methods of segmentation are not significantly different in sex, but are significantly different in marriage and age. Also, we found that the groups categorized by operation type show significant difference in education, income and job, but no significant difference for the groups segmented by cluster analysis. |