題 名 | 廢棄盆花介質堆肥化回收利用之研究=Utilization of Composted Used Media of Pot Flower |
作 者 | 廖乾華; 陳錦木; 葉俊巖; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 43 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁28-34 |
分類號 | 434.231 |
關鍵詞 | 廢棄盆花介質; 堆肥化; 回收利用; Used media of pot chrysanthemum; Compost; Recycling; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 將廢棄盆花介質以A:廢棄盆花介質,B:廢棄介質蒸氣80℃消毒15分鐘,C:廢棄介質:豆粕:骨粉:谷殼:米糠=4:1:0.5:4:1,D:蒸氣消毒介質:豆粕:骨粉:谷殼:米糠=4:1:0.5:4:1,E:新介質等五種處理,分別栽植「霓虹」及「濃露」兩種菊花,探討廢棄盆花介質堆肥化回收利用之可行性。廢棄介質經與骨粉、米糠、谷殼、豆粕以4、0.5、1、4、1,容積比例混合堆肥化後,其pH值6.9-7.0,EC值約在0.78-1.30dS/m,氮含量15.2-16.0g/kg,磷含量8.0-8.7g/kg,鉀含量8.3g/kg,鈣含量20.2-20.6 g/kg,鎂含量3.5-4.2 g/kg,病原菌方面,經堆肥化後介質中Rhizoctonia, Fusarium等已無法檢測:種植「霓虹」及「濃露」兩種盆菊,其生育情形均以新介質泥碳土處理之表現最佳。株高、展幅及每盆株重均較廢棄介質處理為佳,其原因可能為堆肥化時谷殼之混拌比例太高,養液之滲漏太快。葉片中氮素含量,新介質處理均較舊介質低;「霓虹」及「濃露」兩品種間,以「霓虹」品種生育較佳,而植體養分含量則以「濃露」品種較高。 |
英文摘要 | The experiment was conducted to evaluate for recycling the used media of pot flower by planting two cultivars of chrysanthemum "Neoga" and "Deep Luv.". Five treatments were included: A. used media of pot flowers, B. used media steamed for 15 min. at 80℃, C. used media mixed with bean refuse, bone powder, rice hull, rice bran at volume ratio of 4: 1: 0.5: 4: 1, D. used media after steaming for 15 min at 80℃, then mixed with bean refuse, bone powder, rice hull, rice bran at volume ratio of 4: 1: 0.5: 4: 1, E. new medium of peat moss. The properties of media formulated with used media compost, bone powder, rice bran, rice hull and bean refuse were: pH value 6.9-7.0, EC value 0.78-1.30 dS/m, 15.2-16.0 g/kg nitrogen, 8.0-8.7 g/kg phosphorus, 8.3 g/kg potassium, 20.2-20.6 g/kg calcium, 3.5-4.2 g/kg magnesium. Rhizoctonia and Fusarium were not found in above mentioned media after steaming and composting treatment. The best growth performance were obtained from "Neoga" and "Deep Luv." pot chrysanthemum grown in new medium of peat moss. Plant characters, which included plant height, plant diameter, and plant weight, were greater in "Neoga" and "Deep Luv." grown in new medium than that in the composted used media. It likely due to a lower water holding capacity of the used media. Results also showed that the nitrogen contents of leaves of "Neoga" and "Deep Luv" with new peat moss were lower then that of the used media. Plant growth of "Neoga" was better than that of "Deep Luv". Plant nutrient contents of "Neoga" were generally less than "Deep Luv". |