題 名 | 生物分解垃圾袋在有機廢棄物堆肥化之研究=Evaluation of Biodegradable Trash Bags in Waste Composting |
作 者 | 楊紹榮; 黃山內; | 書刊名 | 臺南區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 37 民89.12 |
頁 次 | 頁86-96 |
分類號 | 434.231 |
關鍵詞 | 生物分解垃圾袋; 有機廢棄物; 堆肥化; Biodegradable trash bag; Organic matter; Composting; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣地區,一般垃圾之物理成分中廚餘類比率為17.9∼25.7%,倘能善加利用,將廚餘及果菜市場產生的有機廢棄物等資源進行堆肥化處理,如此不但可解決有機廢棄物污染環境的問題,維護生態環境,還可利用其所富含的有機物及養分,改善土壤理化性質,提高土壤肥力、增加作物生產與改善產品品質。由於一般垃圾之物理成分中塑膠類之比率也在17.8∼20%(1992∼1999)。因此,為了減少日常生活中傳統塑膠的使用、採用生物可分解垃圾袋配合廚餘,庭院枯枝落葉等有機廢棄物的分類蒐集,進行資源再生對於廢棄物減量及現行的垃圾處理方式將有莫大的助益。臺南區農業改良場在民國88年10月採用義大利 Novamont 公司產製的 Mater-Bi 生物分解垃圾袋進行堆肥化初步評估,在堆肥化處理後42天生物分解垃圾袋之失重率達 82.9%。另外於臺南縣佳里農牧廢棄物資源處理中心,以 Mater-Bi 生物分解垃圾袋裝填庭園落葉混合牛糞等農產廢棄物。經三個月餘發酵翻堆後所產製的有機質肥料產品品質甚佳,有機質含量為 49% 較對照產品(處理中心原牛糞等材料)為高,重金屬含量則均較對照產品低。將混合庭園落葉之生物分解垃圾袋所獲得的有機堆肥利用於短期葉菜類栽培,植株生長亦佳,採收時之株高、葉面積及產量較對照有機堆肥分別增加8.6%、16.3%及9.9%。 |
英文摘要 | In Taiwan , municipal solid waste is composted of 17.9-25.7% of organic household wastes and 17.8-20% of used plastics. In order to decrease the amount of regular plastics, the household and yard wastes were collected and biodegradable trash bags were used in composting for recycling of organic materials. This process can reduce environmental pollution, and improve physical and chemical properties of soil. The Mater-Bi biodegradable films ( NF01U,50% starch and 50% PCL ), a product of Novamont , Italy, was used in the composting experiment at Tainan DAIS in 1999. Biodegradable film lost 82.9% of its weight 42 days after composting. Another trial indicated that if the biodegradable trash bags were incorporated with yard wastes and then, fermented at a agricultural wastage composting center for 3 months or longer. The quality of final product ( organic compost )is very good , It contains 49% of organic matter, which is higher than the control and it has less heavy metals content. The products increased plant height , leaf area and yield of fast-growing leaf vegetables by 8.6 , 16.3 & 9.9%, respectively . |