題 名 | 有機硒用在母豬繁殖力改善之大區試驗=On-farm Trials of Organic Selenium to Improve Sow Herd Fertility |
作 者 | 陳申君; 陳修德; 王國禧; 劉嘉哲; 張繁雄; | 書刊名 | 臺灣糖業公司研究所研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 170 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁45-54 |
分類號 | 437.654 |
關鍵詞 | 有機硒; 維生素E; 繁殖性能; 母豬; Organic selenium; Vitamin E; Reproductive performance; Sows; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗之目的是在探討有機硒對母豬繁殖性能之影響,以避免母豬莎母豬繁殖性能之影響,以避免母豬淆殖效率,以降低豬隻生產成本。本試驗共計採用3,201胎,依區別分為二試驗處理組。對照組母豬供餵含有0.1ppm之無機硒及37IU之維生素E之飼料;而處理組母豬供餵添加0.2 ppm之有機酵母硒及20IU之維生素E之對照組飼料。處理組之出生總仔數經調整後之平均值為8.72,與對照組者平均值8.53比較無顯著之差異存在(P=0.16)。但母豬供餵添加有機硒及維生素E飼料,其出生活仔數提高3.1%(P<0.05)。處理組1-2胎及9胎以上離乳仔豬頭數較對照組者顯著增加(P<0.05),但對其化胎次及總平圾之離乳仔豬頭數則無顯著改善效果。處理組3-5胎及6-8胎之離乳仔豬育原率較對照組者為高(P<0.05),而處理及對照組間之其他胎次及總平均之離乳仔豬育成率,則無顯著改善效果。處理組每胎配種次數經調整後之平均值為1.20,與對照組者平圾值1.16比較無顯著之差異存在(P=0.13)。 |
英文摘要 | On-farm trials were conducted to evaluated the effect of organic selenium and vitamin E on sow reproductive performances. During the experiment, a total of 3,201 litters were used in two treatment groups which were assigned to two feeding districts. The control group was fed a diet containing 0.1 ppm of selenium and 37 IU vitamin E, and the treatment group was fed the same diet but adding 0.2 ppm organic selenium and 20 IU vitamin E, respectively. The mean value of the corrected number of total pigs born in the treatment group was 8.72 and in the control group it was 8.53. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.16). But the number of pigs born alive in the treatment group was 3.1% greater (P<0.05) than in the control group. The number of pigs weaned of the first through second and over ninth litters and the survival rates of weanling pigs of the third through fifth and sixth through eighth litters in the treatment group were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those in the control group. The corrected number of matings in the treatment group and control group was 1.20 and 1.16, respectively, but the two values did not significantly differ (P=0.13). |