題 名 | 應用概念構圖於會計教學與評量之研究=The Study of Application of Concept Mapping to Instruction and Achievement Evaluation in Accounting |
作 者 | 邱垂昌; 陳瑞斌; | 書刊名 | 國立政治大學學報 |
卷 期 | 81:2 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁37-67 |
分類號 | 495 |
關鍵詞 | 概念構圖; 會計教育; 有意義的學習; 結構化知識; Concept mapping; Accounting education; Meaningful learning; Structural knowledge; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在探討概念構圖是否可用來協助學生改進學習會計之成效。研究檢 視三項問題:(1)概念構圖是否可視為會計教學評量及指導工具,(2)合作情境下學習概 念構圖之成效是否優於個別情境下學習概念構圖,及(3)學生對於以概念構圖學習會計的 態度是否會影響其學業成就。研究結果發現:(1)概念構圖可以視為代替傳統會計評量方 法的另一種可行的評量學習成效之工具;(2)概念圖的另一優點則是可成為施行補救教學 的輔助工具,以幫助提昇教學成效,因此概念構圖可以視為教學指導工具;(3)合作情境 下學習概念構圖的學習成就顯著高於個別情境下學習概念構圖的學習成就;(4)學生對以 概念構圖學習會計之態度對其學習成就有顯著影響,特別是對概念構圖持正向看法的學生傾 向於有較高的學習成就;(5)有超過80﹪的學生認為概念構圖可以幫助整合會計概念。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this paper is to study how concept mapping can be used to help improve accounting students' learning performance. In particular, this paper examines: (a) the applicability of using concept mapping as an accounting instruction and evaluation tool, (b) the effectiveness of different concept mapping situations (individual vs. cooperative), and (c) the effect of students' attitude on their learning performance when concept mapping is adopted. The experimental data reveal several important results. First, concept mapping can serve as a useful tool for accounting instruction and evaluation. Second, adopting cooperative concept mapping can better improve students' performance than using individual concept mapping. Third, the effect of concept mapping on students' learning performance depends on students' attitude toward concept mapping. In particular, students who like concept mapping tend to perform better. Finally, more than 80 percent of the subjects suggest that concept mapping can help them integrate accounting concept. |