- 兩種污染土壤中重金屬之化學型態
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- 條件模擬法模擬小樣區土壤鋅重金屬污染
- 利用GIS於土壤重金屬污染等級區分
- 利用多變量指標克利金法界定土壤重金屬污染範圍
題 名 | 兩種污染土壤中重金屬之化學型態=Chemical Fractionation of Heavy Metals in Two Contaminated Soils |
作 者 | 許振宏; 駱尚廉; | 書刊名 | 臺東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 11(下) 民89.12 |
頁 次 | 頁247-263 |
分類號 | 434.223 |
關鍵詞 | 土壤; 重金屬; 化學型態; 移動性; 植物有效性; 序列萃取; Soil; Heavy metal; Chemical fractionation; Mobility; Bioavailability; Sequential extraction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 重金屬對環境與人類具毒性。土壤中重金屬之危害性主要受其化學型態 所控制。因此分析土壤中重金屬之化學型態,以評估土壤中重金屬之移動性及植 物有效性是很重要的。本研究採用序列萃取法(sequential extraction),探討桃園縣 觀音鄉與蘆竹鄉兩種受污染土壤中之六種重金局(Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、Cr及Ni)之化 學型態。序列萃取法將土壤中重金屬分離為五種化學型態:可交換相 (exchangeable),碳酸鹽結合相(carbonate-bound),Fe-Mn氧化物結合相(Fe/Mn-oxide bound),有機物結合相(organicallybound),及殘渣相(residual)。本研究探討之兩種 土壤,觀音鄉土壞屬壤砂土,Cd(135 mgkg-1)及Pb(1040 mgkg-1)含量高。蘆竹鄉土 壤屬黏土,Cd(69 mg kg-1),Pb(256 mg kg-1)、cu(670 mg kg-1)及Zn(328 mg kg-1)含 量亦高。兩種土壤中之Cd分佈於序列萃取前三相(可交換相、碳酸鹽相與氧化物 相)量之和均>90。兩種土壤之Pb分佈於序列萃取前三相量之和均>65。此結果顯 示,兩種土壤中Cd與Pb之移動性與植物有效性相對較高。蘆竹土壤中Cu主要分 佈於有機物相(48)與氣化物相(31),Zn主要分佈於可交換相(36)與氧化物相(31)。 兩種土壤之Cu均主要分佈於有機物相,主要是由於Cu與有機物間之錯合常數極 高所致。因為土壤中重金屬之移動性及植物有效性與其化學型態相關,而且隨序 列萃取順序遞減。因此,觀音土壤中重金屬之移動性及植物有效性 為:Cd>Pb>>Cr~Cu~Ni~Zn;蘆竹土壤中重金屬之移動性及植物有效性 為:Cd)Zn>Pb>Cu>>Ni~Cr。 |
英文摘要 | Heavy metals are potentially toxic to human life and environment.Metal toxicity depends on chemical associations in soils. For this reason,determining the chemical form of a metal in soils is important toevaluate its mobility and bioavailability. Sequential extraction was usedto fractionate six heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) from twocontaminated soils into five operationally defined groups: exchangeable,carbonate, Fe-Mn oxide, organic, and residual. Kuan-Yin soil has atexture of sand loam containing high level of Cd (135 mg kg-1) and Pb(1040 mg kg-1). Lu-Chu soil has a texture of clay loam containing highlevel of Cd (69 mg kg-1), Pb (256 mg kg-1), Cu (670 mg kg-1), and Zn(328 mg kg-1). More than 70 of Cd and Pb in both soils wereassociated with the first three fractions in the sequential extraction,indicating their potential environmental availability. Copper was mainlypresent in the organic (48) and oxide (31) fractions, while Zn mostlyresided in the exchangeable (36) and oxide (31) fractions in Lu-Chusoil. Assuming that mobility and bioavailability of these metals arerelated to their solubility and geochemical forms, and that they decreasein the order of extraction sequence, the apparent mobility and potentialbioavailability for these metals in Kuan-Yin soil were: Cd > Pb >> Cr ~Cu ~ Ni ~ Zn and that in Lu-chu soil were: Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu >> Ni ~Cr. Metal distributions in different chemical fractions in these soilsdepended on respective total metal concentrations. |