題 名 | 綠肥大豆新品種臺南4號之育成=The Breeding of the New Green Manure Soybean Cultivar Tainan No.4 |
作 者 | 連大進; 吳昭慧; 黃山內; 游添榮; 王裕權; | 書刊名 | 臺南區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 37 民89.12 |
頁 次 | 頁1-16 |
分類號 | 434.215 |
關鍵詞 | 豆科綠肥; 大豆品種; 育種; Legume green manure; Soybean variety; Breeding; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 綠肥大豆新品種臺南4號係臺南區農業改良場由青皮豆地方種經單株選拔選出,經株行試驗、品系試驗、區域試驗及栽培法試驗,顯示其具有籽粒小、生長快速、鮮草量及肥分含量高、覆蓋期長之特性,適合春夏作綠肥栽培及秋作採種之用途,於民國88年12月經行政院農業委員會召集之作物新品種登記命名審查小組審查通過予以推廣。本品種採用純系育種法育成,親本來自青皮豆地方種,係臺灣先民自大陸引進,品種具小粒、種皮黃綠色、對光敏感。由於栽培久遠,品種混雜及族群遺傳變異性大,乃於民國82年秋自臺南縣青皮豆種植農田選拔性狀優良單株360個,並於83年至86年進行株行及品系試驗,87年及88年進行區域試驗。試驗結果,臺南4號不論春作或夏作的鮮草量、乾草量及植體養分含量均較參試品種(系)高,且在不同栽培環境的適應性良好。本品種的特性春作長日下對光期敏感,植株為無限型,株高70∼110公分,種子百粒重6∼10公克,種皮黃綠色,臍褐色,花紫色,葉為三小葉卵圓形。臺南4號適合水田撒播及旱田機械播種,每公頃播種量25∼30公斤,生育期春作150∼160天,夏作125∼135天,秋作94∼104天。綠肥產量,生育期80天每公頃鮮草量23,400∼46,100公斤,乾草量4,127∼10,750公斤,氮素含量86∼252公斤。秋作適合臺南地區採種,每公頃種子產量2,200∼2,800公斤。 |
英文摘要 | Tainan No. 4 soybean cultivar is a new green manure soybean cultivar developed by The Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station. It is selected from the local cultivar Chin-pi-do and went through the series of standard field evaluations followed the official protocols. The cultivar was developed with the target of primary application in green manure utilization has the following favorable characteristics: small size of seed, fast growing, high biomass and good nutritive value, extended period of ground coverage, well adapted to the spring and summer green manure utilization and seed production in the fall. It was released under the agreement of The New Crop Cultivar Naming, Registration and Inspection Committee organized by the Council of Agriculture of the Executive-Yuan, R.O.C. The pure line breeding method was employed in the development of this cultivar. The parental line is a local cultivar Chin-pi-do, which was introduced by the previous immigrants from Mainland China centuries ago. Due to the long history of cultivation, the cultivar diverged and great genetic variation among populations was observed indefinitely. Three hundred and sixty elite plants were selected from a local Chin-pi-do farm located in the Tainan County in the fall of 1993. Plant-to-row and line evaluation breeding methodology were conducted through the year 1994 to 1997. Regional experiments were followed in the 1998 and 1999. The results of the field evaluations indicated that the biomass, hay production and plant analysis are all significantly better than the control varieties in both the spring and summer cropping seasons. The results also suggested a better environmental adaptability. Tainan No. 4 is photosensitive to the long day length during the spring cultivation. The plant type is indefinite with height between 70 to 110 centimeters. It has purple flower and trifoliolate oval leaflets. The one-hundred-seed weight is 6 to 10 grams. The seed coat is yellow-greenish with brown hilum. The Tainan No. 4 can be broadcasting seeded in the paddy rice field or mechanically seeded in dry land. The recommended seeding rate is 25 to 30 kilograms per hectare. The plant will reach maturity in 150-160, 125-135, and 94-104 days for spring, summer and fall cultivation respectively. The yield of green manure harvested in 80 days of growth is around 23,400 to 46,000 kilograms or in hay of 4,127 to 10,750 kilograms. The nitrogen content is around 86-252 kilograms. The fall cultivation in Tainan area is best for seed production, which will yield around 2,200 to 2,800 kilograms. |