題 名 | 實習指導小組工作會報的實施內涵及其對實習成效的影響=The Effects and Implementations of Internship Through Induction of Mentoring Team Toward Elementary School Student Teachers |
作 者 | 薛梨真; | 書刊名 | 初等教育學報 |
卷 期 | 13 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁183-218 |
分類號 | 522.68 |
關鍵詞 | 實習指導小組; 實習輔導教師; 實習輔導制度; 實習教師; Mentoring team; Mentor; Induction system; Student teacher; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究基於實習教師的實施輔導,「委由實習學校組織實習指導小組肩負實習輔導的主要職責,可發揮組織、規劃、協調、執行及考核等功能」之認識,特立意選取四所國小(高雄市、臺南市各二所)觀察實習指導小組的工作會報之進行後,編製問卷調查國立臺南師範學院八七級畢結業生推介分發實習的國小校長(有效卷96份)、主任(有效卷100份)、實習輔導教師代表(有效卷100份)、實習教師代表(有效卷97份),希望透過問卷調查,了解實習指導小組工作會報的實施內涵,及其對實習成效的影響。 研究所得資料經統計分析後,獲以下三結論:(一)實習指導小組工作會報,雖然法令未明確要求,但各實習國小曾實施的居多,亦有其功能,只是實施的內容與所發揮的功能各校不一;(二)國小實習輔導人員對實習成效的評估結果,不管是對現行實習輔導制度或實習輔導人員對校內所有實習教師的整體表現,或實習教師對實習輔導人員的各項輔導,多傾向“滿意”或“非常滿意”;(三)實習指導小組工作會報的實施內容與功能不影響國小實習輔導人員對實習成效的評估;但影響國小實習教師對實習成效的評估。最後,本研究並針對文獻探討及調查研究結果,提出具體建議,期供有關單位作為改善現行實施輔導制度之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this study is to explore the effects and implementations of intership through induction of mentoring team toward elementary school student teachers. After investigating mentors and student teachers and analysised data, three conclusions are as following: 1.The pratical contents and operations of the mentoring team are different between schools; 2.According to the result of assessment, the mentors and stuent teachers tend to be "satisfied" or "strongly satisfied" with new induction system; and 3.The implementations of intership through mentoring team will not impact on mentors' assessment on effect of induction, but significantly impact on student teachers' assessment. Finally, there are some concrete suggestions for educational adminiatration authority and elementary schools. |