題 名 | 臺灣企業派外人員跨文化訓練有效性之實證研究=An Empirical Research on the Effectiveness of Cross-Cultural Training for Expatriate Managers |
作 者 | 吳萬益; 陳碩珮; 甘珮姍; 陳碩珮; 甘珮姍; 吳萬益; | 書刊名 | 臺大管理論叢 |
卷 期 | 10:2 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁167-203 |
分類號 | 494.386 |
關鍵詞 | 海外派遣人員; 國際人力資源管理; 跨文化訓練; 跨文化適應; 派外工作績效; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 跨文化訓練長久以來已被視為增進派外人員有效進行跨文化互動的利器,但大部份有關跨文化訓練之研究僅止於訓練方法的提示與派外人員跨文化適應結果之評估。本研究則進一步在考量派外人員之個人因素、組織因素及國家文化因素下,將派外人員「跨文化訓練」、「跨文化適應」與「派外工作績效」相連結,建立一完整的派外人員跨文化訓練有效性議題之研究。本研究特別將跨文化訓練需求之重要性與施行訓練之滿意度間列為「跨文化訓練配適度」並探討其與「跨文化適應」及「派外工作績效」之關係。在28家台灣集團企業之派外人員所獲之104份有效問卷發現:在跨文化訓練需求之重要性與滿意度兩指標間有缺口存在。當派駐國之國家文化與母國差異越大、組織支援程度越佳及個人外派經驗越不佳時,對跨文化訓練的需求越大;「派外專業知識及經驗的傳承」、「生活語言適應訓練」及「安全職災訓練」是派外人員最重視的跨文化訓練,而當「跨文化訓練」配適度越佳,其「跨文化適應」會越良好;且對「派外工作績效」造成正向之影響。本研究之結果可提供企業界在派外人員跨文化訓練實施上之參考,以提高派外人員之派外績效,亦可做為學術界進一步研究此一議題之基礎。 |
英文摘要 | Cross-cultural training has been regarded as a powerful and effective tool to enhance the cross-cultural interaction for expatriates. Nevertheless, most of the cross-cultural training studies are confined to living and working adjustment issues of expatriates. The study put one step further to investigate the interrelationships between adaptation, and expatriate performance, for expatriates facing differential individual, organizational, and national-culture factors. One of the major purposes is to establish a comprehensive research framework for the effectiveness of cross-cultural training. The study further exploited the correlation between the "fitness" of cross-cultural training, which defined by the ratio of the importance and satisfaction indices of cross-cultural training, and the level of living and working adjustment and performance of expatriate work. Based on 104 effective questionnaires collected from the expatriates of 28 Taiwanese group enterprises, we found a gap existed between the importance and satisfaction indices of cross-cultural training. It is suggested that a greater demand for cross-cultural training when the cultural discrepancy between home country and host country is greater, the organizational support is better and the individual's experience is inferior. Among many important training items, "professionally expatriate knowledge and experience training", "living and linguistic orientation" and "vocational-disaster training" are the most valuable cross-cultural training items for expatriates. The better the fitness, the better the adjustment and the higher the achievement that the expatriate performed. The results of this research may serve as reference material for enterprises to improve their expatriates' performance, by providing better cross-cultural training of expatriates. The results may also serve as a foundation for further academic studies. |