題 名 | 幼稚園實習教師與實習輔導教師對於教育實習一年之評估研究=A Case Study on the Evaluation of the Implementation of the One-year Student Teaching in Kindergartens by the Student Teachers and Their Mentors |
作 者 | 陳雅美; | 書刊名 | 國立臺北師範學院學報 |
卷 期 | 13 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁487+489-515+517-518 |
分類號 | 523.26 |
關鍵詞 | 幼稚園; 實習教師; 實習輔導教師; 教育實習; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 民國八十三年「師資培育法」的頒布改變了幼教師資職前培育體系原有的運作模式。從八十七年七月一日到八十八年六月三十日,師資培育法頒布之後的首屆幼教系學生展開為期一年的實習教師生涯。本研究主要是藉由實習教師和實習輔導教師的問卷調查及個別訪談,探討幼教實習教師應該具備的態?及基本能力,瞭解幼稚園實習教師實習一年中參與實習事的實際情形,解析實習教師和實習輔導教師對於「教育實習一年」的看法及建議。本研究以國立臺北師院八七級幼兒教育學系甲班六位實習教師及其九位實習輔導教師為研究對象。本研究屬於質的個案研究,資料來源包括:實習教師之調查問卷、實習輔導教萱的個別訪談、實習教師的實習相關作業等。研究結果顯示:實習教師應具備喜愛孩子、積極主動、虛心受教、多問肯做的心態及基本的幼教專業知能、溝通能力及幼兒行為觀察的能力等;而實習教師的教保實習大致依循觀摩、見習、試教、擔任完整教學活動等程序循序漸進,行政實習方面則因人因園而有極大的差異;實習教師和實習輔導教師對於「教育實習一年」在幼教師資培育上的地位大都持肯定的觀點,實習教師的專業成長包括:與幼兒的相處、教學的技巧、臨場應變能力、班級經營、行政運作與管理的經驗、人際互動的經驗等;參與本研究的教師認為教育實習應該在實施時間太長、實習津貼太少、實習內涵不明確、遴選適任的實習輔導教師、培訓實習輔導教師、如何調整實習教師正向的學習心態等面面再加檢討。最後依據研究結果,研究者分別對實習教師及教育實習制度提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | "Act for Preservice Teacher Education", effective in 1994, cast a tremendous influence on early childhood preservice teacher education. The first class of students majoring early childhood education from National Taipei Teachers College after the enactment of "Act for Preservice Teacher Education" started their one year's student teaching from July 1, 1998. The case study with a qualitative approach, aimed to investigate the student teachers' one-year field experience in kindergartens, and the viewpoints of the student teachers and their mentors on the implementation of the one-year student teaching in kindergartens. Six student teachers and their mentors were involved in this study. Data collected included questionnaires, interviews, reflective notes, student teaching assignments, and so on. Findings showed that the student teachers were expected to be active, child-loving, willing to ask, do and learn, and to possess early childhood professional knowledge, and abilities to communicate and to observe children. As to involvement in teaching and nursery activities, student teachers in kindergartens progressed from observing, assisting, and participating in teaching activities to teaching by themselves. As to practition in administrative affairs, great differences were found among the six student teachers. The one-year student teaching was regarded as casting positive effects on the professional development of the six student teachers with their improvement in dealing with children, teaching skills, flexibility to change, classroom management, administrative abilities, interpersonal interaction, and so on. However, the subjects involved in the study were still concerned about the length of student teaching, skills, flexibility to change, classroom management, administrative abilities, interpersonal interaction, and so on. However, the subjects involved in the study were still concerned about the length of student teaching, the salary of student teachers, the ambiguity of the contents of student teaching, the choice of mentors, the training of mentors, and the modification of student teachers' attitudes towards student teaching. Suggestions were given respectively with regard to early childhood student teachers and the student teaching system. |