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題 名 | Desire and Its Traces in Hegel, Kojeve, Lacan, Deleuze & Guattari=黑格爾、柯傑夫、拉岡、德勒茲和瓜達希等人的慾望論述及其演變軌跡 |
作 者 | 蘇子中; | 書刊名 | 暨大學報 |
卷 期 | 4:1 2000.03[民89.03] |
頁 次 | 頁85-115 |
分類號 | 147.51 |
關鍵詞 | 慾望; 黑格爾; 柯傑夫; 拉岡; 德勒茲; 瓜達希; Desire; Hegel; Kojeve; Lacan; Deleuze; Guattari; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 不論是以英文的名詞或動詞來看待慾望,慾望這一概念,總足充滿了不 確定性。在眾多當代批評辭彙中,慾望一詞,既不蘊含一統的思考方式,也不藏 有啟蒙精神。它的激越游離,它的憂鬱頹廢,它的飄忽不定,常使它超越概念的 理性框架。它的心情表演,總使它和解構主體的批評理論有難分難解關係。 當代的慾望論述,多承襲自黑格爾。黑格爾認為,人類的慾望有別於動物的需要。 因為人類的慾望有其歷史性,而動物的慾望則無。黑格爾的慾望理論,後來透過 柯傑夫(Kojeve)的詮釋,對二十世紀慾望論述的走向,造成極大的影響,而柯傑 夫的詮釋也是本論文著墨最多的部分。本論文擬從黑格爾的慾望論述出發,以哲 學的角度,研究慾望這一概念在成為書寫和評論創作的寵兒之後,如何被柯傑 夫、拉岡、德勒茲、瓜達希等人不斷建構和重塑的過程。其目的不外乎探索慾望 這一概念如何在當代批評理論中幻化的蛛絲馬跡。 |
英文摘要 | The philosophical preoccupation with desire in the twentieth century begins in Francewith Hegel and particularly with Alexandre Kojeve's lectures on Hegel in the 1930's. In thispaper, I will take my departure from Hegel and put special emphasis on Kojeve's reading ofHegel. It concerns not so much the circumscription as the "trace" of the concept of desire. Itis a genealogy of the Kojevian-Hegelian or anti-Kojevian-Hegelian approaches to desire and isan attempt to "trace" the modern appropriations of Hegelian desire. It proposes to analyze howthe concept of desire is formulated in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, and how it is fashionedand refashioned by major theorists. Yet, far from being a historical survey or an- influencestudy of the concept of desire, this inquiry is a philosophical narrative of a highly volatile trope-desire, and a theoretical endeavor to trace the concept's traces and various re-formulations incritical writings of Kojeve, Lacan, and Deleuze & Guattari. |