題 名 | 照護價值與資源配置:我國長期照護財務機制之動態研究=Value Judgement and Resource Allocation: Dynamic Analysis of Long-Term Care Financing in Taiwan |
作 者 | 曾薔霓; 王正; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 25 2000.01[民89.01] |
頁 次 | 頁157-188 |
分類號 | 419.76 |
關鍵詞 | 長期照護; 就地老化; 財務機制; Long-term care; Aging in place; Finanicing mechanism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 人口結構老化、疾病型態轉型、社會照護意識提升、家庭結構轉變、婦女勞動參與率增加、女性公民權概念之興起等背景因素影響下,使得長期照護的「需求」與「供給」之間呈現不對稱狀態。在照護需求明顯呈現多元化成長,而照護供給模式仍嫌不足與不適當的情況,開辦以及推動相關長期照護措施實具有必要性和重要性。本文分別從照護價值、資源配置與費用推估等不同層面來探討長期照護財務機制之動態調整。研究發現就重要政策意涵而言,未來長期照護財務須因應機構照護費用的變化趨勢,基金提存比例需維持適當動態調整,如此費率才能穩定。基於研究限制,未來臺灣長期照護整體費用之推估及財務制度的設計,必須蒐集更完善相關的調查統計資料,進一步針對本研究尚未處理的文化、政治、經濟、社會、倫理價值、照護意識型態等本土化特定因素予以量化求取參數,做更精確的推計。 |
英文摘要 | There is a dynamic tension within the long-term care field in Taiwan, recently. It is becoming increasingly pertinent in the context of common demographic and social trends: a steadily growing population aged 65 and over and a decline in the share and numbers of the younger population, interrelated with changed in family structures, kinship patterns and living arrangements. These projections pose significant questions about the kind and level of governmental policy response needed to meet the balance situation of demand and supply concerning long-term care financing issue. The major aim of this paper is to estimate the costs of long-term care through the next century, in terms of different value judgment and efficient resource allocation or the purpose of financial management. In this study, the main factors affecting the care costs are likely to be numbers of elderly people and their levels of ill-health. However, we should also pay more attention to a number of external factors, which have potential impact on demand and costs of long-term care, concerning cultural, political, economic, and social aspects of family value and caring ideology. |