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題 名 | 臺北縣居家極重度多重殘障者對長期照護之需求研究=A Study on the Demand of the Long-Term Care of Multi-Handicapped at Home in Taipei County |
作 者 | 趙美雲; 康清雲; 莊小瑤; | 書刊名 | 公共衛生 |
卷 期 | 25:2 1998.07[民87.07] |
頁 次 | 頁107-119 |
分類號 | 419.7 |
關鍵詞 | 殘障者; 長期照護; 需求; The handicapped; Long term care; Demand; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解居家極重度多重殘障者對長期照護之需求,並探討與極重度多重 殘障者對長期照護安排 (機構式照護、社區式照護、居家式照護 ) 之需求有關因素。 以民 國 85 年 7 月底前, 在臺北縣社會局領有殘障手冊之極重度多重殘障者為研究對象,以自 擬之結構式問卷對其主要照顧者進行面對面的訪問。結果發現,整體而言,本研究對象之極 重度多重殘障者日常生活功能 (activity adily living, ADL) 及輔助性日常生活功能 (instrumental activity daily living, IADL) 依賴程度高; 在「對長期照護安排」之需 求中,選擇居家式照護的比率最高佔 70.5%,其次是機構式照護 (20.4%),社區式照護僅佔 9.1%。在臨托照顧之需求方面,需要臨托照顧服務者佔 40.5%。在就醫障礙中,近半年有親 自看門診的殘障者中,45.5% 的人有就醫障礙,其中以「殘障者用非語言表達病情時醫生不 了解」及「掛號批價或拿藥時無人幫忙看顧殘障者」居多。與「極重度多重殘障者對長期照 護安排之需求」有關的因素為主要照顧者之教育程度及殘障者之居住地。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study were to describe the demand of the long-term care for multi-handicapped and to explore the related factors with the demand of arranging long term care. The target populations were the most severe multi-handicapped who were registered in Taipei County Bureau of Social Affairs before July 31,1996. The primary caregivers who take care of the handicapped were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. The results showed that the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) of the handicapped were very poor. In terms of the selection of long term care arrangement, home care was highly demanded (70.5%), secondly was nursing home, and only 9.1% selected the day care. In terms of respite care, nearly half of primary caregivers were in need of this kind of service (40.5%). In respect to the barriers encoutering in clinic, among those handicapped who had the experience of outpatient visited during last 6 months, 45.5% expressed that they encountered some barriers; The most popular barriers were "physicians cann't understand the non-oral language of the handicapped" and "nobody takes care of the handicapped when caregivers should temporarily leave for registry, paying the bills or to take medicine". The factors related to the demand of arranging long term care were caregivers' education and handicaps' residence. |