- 長期照護機構護理照護活動之調查
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- Development of a Performance Scale for Nurses in Community-Based Long-Term Care Facilities in Taiwan
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題 名 | 長期照護機構護理照護活動之調查=A Study of Nursing Care Activities in Long-Term Care Facilities |
作 者 | 李素貞; 戴玉慈; 郭憲文; | 書刊名 | 中國醫藥學院雜誌 |
卷 期 | 7:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁135-144 |
分類號 | 419.7 |
關鍵詞 | 長期照護; 照護活動; 護理人員; Long term care; Nursing care activities; Nursing staff; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討臺中、彰化地區長期照護機構(包括立案與未立案)中主要照護 人員對院民之照護工作內容及其角色之扮演。研究對象共 52 家長期照護機構,經逐一親訪 並填寫問卷內容,護理人員 94 人與護佐 234 人。 問卷內容包括護理人員與護佐在照護工 作之頻率,照護活動包括生活照顧、一般性護理、技術性護理及醫療服務。 研究結果如下:1. 長期照護活動主要以生活照顧最頻繁, 其中最頻繁工作項目生活照 顧包括餵食、換尿片、協助上下床、翻身、穿脫衣服,技術性護理工作,為鼻胃管灌食、傷 口換藥、口服給藥,一般性護理工作,為單位環境清潔、護理記錄,醫療服務為協助醫師診 療。 2. 主要照護人員為護理人員及護佐,其中護理人員的照護工作以一般性護理與技術性 護理為主,而護佐以生活照顧為主。 護理人員在長期照護機構扮演的主要為領導管理之角色,宜加強培訓,而護佐亦應受到 護理專業之指導,以提供高品質之長期照護服務。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the this study was to understand the nursing care activities and the roles of personnel in long-term care (LTC). Facilities which included lincensed and unlincensed nursing home. We recruited 52 LTC facilities in central Taiwan. All pernonnel, enrolled 111 nurses and 234 nursing assistants was interiewed by a structured quentionaire which was verified the reliability and validity. Contents contained characteristics of personnel and frequency of nursing care toward residents. Data was analysed using a package of SAS/PC+ and statistical method included frequency, T-test, Anova. and scheffe test. Results showed activities of daily living (ADL) of residents is the essential care in LTC facilities, most frequent nursing activities in ADL were feeding, continence、transfer and dressing. The most frequent skilled nursing activities were N-G feeding, dressing change, giving medication, the most frequent general nursing activities were nuit management, medication check up and nursing records. Nurses' major task were skilled nursing activities and general nursing activities, nursing assistants provided the major of physical care (such as ADL care) to residents in LTC facilities. Nurses in LTC facilities who took the role of management and supervison showed have adequate training in management and administration. Nursing assistant must educated in basic nursing skills and works under the supervision of nurses. |