題 名 | 多元典範對運動領導研究與實務之啟示=Multi-paradigm perspectives on the Sport Leadership Research and Practice |
作 者 | 林志成; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 6 2000.01[民89.01] |
頁 次 | 頁23-70 |
分類號 | 528.9 |
關鍵詞 | 多元典範; 領導理論; 轉化型領導; 互易型領導; 授權賦能; 運動領導; Multi-paradigm; Leadership theory; Transformational leadership; Transactional leadership; Empowerment; Sport leadership; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在透過文獻探討,分析多元典範的意涵,簡析領導理論,並探討多元典範 對運動領導研究與實務之啟示。就研究典範言,未來,運動領導研究可兼採實證典範、詮 釋典範與批判典範等多元典範,同時運用多種理論,透過量的技術暨實地觀察、深度晤談 等質的技術,俾全面而深入地了解運動領導行為;其次,可進行行動研究,深入探討運動 領導行為相關問題,並提高運動領導效能。再次,可加強女性主義、多元文化主義暨本土 化運動領導課題之研究。就領導者特質言,廿一世紀的運動領導者應是一位具有未來特質 的領導者;一位兼具法定權、專家權、人格參照權、評鑑管控獎懲權之完全權力領導者; 一位兼具包容性、民主性、多元性、彈性的學習社會型領導者。就領導角色與行為言,廿 一世紀的運動領導者應扮演好卓越領導者的角色組合。他(她)應善用各種領導理論,權 變採用各種領導行為;並權變表現學習型、教導型、授權賦能型、轉化型、人性化、多層 面、中庸的、全腦的、陰陽權變的領導行為。最後,運動領導者應兼重命題知識與默會知 識,加強修練文化視野素養與作為,並建構卓越的運動組織文化。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is to discuss the perspectives of multi-paradigm, to review the leadership theories, and to explore the implication of multi-paradigm for sport leadership research and practice. There are several conclusions and recommendations as follows: Firstly, using multi-paradiigm (i.g. positivism paradigam, interpretive paradigm, and critical-action paradigm), theoretical pluralism, qualitative techniques and quantitative techniques research the field of sport leadership. Especially future studies can explore the topics of feminine leadership styles, multiculturalism leadership, and the local field sport leadership. Secondly, leaders of twenty-first century should act as multiple role-set such as transactional and transformational leaders, leaders of doing the right thing and managers of doing the thing right, cultural inventors, protectors, and reformers. Finally, the future leaders have to adopt multiple and contingent leadership (i.g. transactional and transformational leadership, leadership and managerial behavior, democratic, autocratic, delegating and empowering leadership) to sdjust the multicultural society and to develop the sport organizational culture. |