題 名 | 甘藷產量之構成因素間相關之研究=Studies on the Association Among Yield Components and Their Relationship to Tuber Yield in Sweet Potatoes |
作 者 | 李良; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 49 民54.03 |
頁 次 | 頁1-14 |
關鍵詞 | 甘藷; 產量; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究係利用1861~1962年間甘藷春、秋、夏三季品種試驗及甘藷雜交後裔試驗資料,以探討甘藷產量之構成因素間各種相關與果變化之關係,俾供為甘藷育種上選拔高產後裔之參考,藉此增進育種選拔工作之效率,使對甘藷品種之改良工作,獲得助益。 由表1觀之,甘藷產量之構成因素之相互間均具有正或負的相關存在。又由表7,則知塊根重與塊根每個均重及塊根個數間之相關,均有密切之正關係,而塊根重與塊根每個均重之遺傳相關係數一般均比表型及環境相關係數為較大,但塊根重與塊根個數之遺傳相關係數,則比表型及環境相關係數為較小。 分析春、秋、夏三季所得結果,構成甘藷塊根重之主要因素為塊根每個均重及塊根個數,但因塊根每個均重與塊根個數間有明顯之負相關存在,故欲獲得高產之後裔,在選擇時,對於塊根每個均重與塊根個數間之相反作用,須有適當之協調。 利用途徑係數分析,闡明甘藷地上部性狀對塊根重、塊根每個均重及塊根個數影響程度之相對重要性,由甘藷地上部性狀與地下部各性狀間之相關係數,所構成直接及間接之成份比較之,一般的說,莖葉重、節距及節數直接及間接對塊根重及塊根每個均重之影響力為較大,而莖葉重、節距及分枝數直接及間接對塊根個數有較大之影響力,然因剩餘之未知因子(Pix)直接對地下部各性狀之影響,一般均很大,故此項問題尚有待再行探討之必要。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper was designed to study the inter-relationships of yield component characters to tuber yield in sweet patatoes. The data used in this study involving sweet potato varietal and progenies trials, which were established in spring, fall and summer planting seasons of 1961-1962. The characters concerned in these studies included the tuber yield, number of tubers and average wt. per tuber of the under-ground part and yield of vines and leaves, number of branches, number of internodes and intermode length of the above-ground part. Analyses of variance for all characters and the analyses of covariance between all possible pairs of the characters were made. According to the correlation analysis, it is apparent that the characters of the under-ground part are correlated, positive or negative, with the above-ground part characters. The results of the correlation coefficients between characters are given in Table 1. Phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlation coefficients were calculated for pairs of the three characters. Number of tubers and average wt. per tuber were positively and highly correlated with tuber yield. In general the genotypic correlation between tuber yield and average wt. per tuber were higher than the phenotypic and environmental coefficients and that of genotypic correlation between tuber yield and number of tubers were sligntly lower than the phenotypic and environmental coefficients (Table 7). The results from the analyses of the data in three different planting seasons, the tuber number and average wt. per tuber were the most important components of tuber yield. Because of the negative correlation between average wt. per tuber and number of tubers, a compromise must be reached in selection for these two characters if maximum tuber yield are to be obtained. The method of "Path coefficients" was employed to establish the relative importance of yield of vines and leaves, number of branches, number of internodes and internode length as determiners of tuber yield, average wt. per tuber and number of tubers. Generally speaking, the results from the examination of the correlation component reveals that yield of vines and leaves, internode length and number of internodes were the three factors that exerted a greater influence both directly and indirectly on tuber yield and average wt. per tuber, while yield of vines and leaves, internode length and number of branches had rather large influences, direct and indirect, on number of tubers. However, the direct effect of unknown variables (Pix) is very high in this study, hence further study on this problem is necessary. |