- 臺灣大南澳片岩之礦物
- 民國69-70 年間臺灣地區民眾攝取之各種營養素之主要食物來源(2):維生素及礦物質
- The Preliminary Study of Hydrothermal Alteration of Andesite at Tayukeng, Taiwan
- Existence of the Chuochi Transverse Fault Reconfirmed in Southeastern Taiwan and its Tectonic Implication
- 臺灣地區成人攝入礦物質(鈣、磷、鐵、鈉)之食物來源--1993∼1996國民營養健康狀況變遷調查結果
- Heavy Mineral Associations Found in Sediments of the East China Sea and Adjacent Ryukyu and Taiwan Areas
- The Mineral Chemistry of Fanpaochienshan Gneiss and Associated Amphibolite, Northeastern Taiwan
- 臺灣北部大屯山馬槽和小油坑蝕變安山岩中角閃石、輝石和斜長石假晶之顯微結構及礦物組成
- 臺灣南部墾丁地區之極育土與淋溶土(2):黏土礦物與化育作用
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Coal Ash Artificial Reefs at Wan-Li, Northern Taiwan