- Using the Internet in English Instruction at the Chinese Air Force Academy
- The Application of the World Wide Web to English Instruction: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study
- An Interviewing Study of College Students' English Learning Strategy Use
- 電腦在英語教學上的應用
- 臺北市吳興國小實施英語教學之經驗
- 從補教界的觀點看國小英語教學之實施
- 由國小英語教學看其對師院師資培育的衝擊
- 從教學法的沿革談有效的國小英語教學
- 國小英語教學之要點與原則
- Teaching Dialogues to Children
題 名 | Using the Internet in English Instruction at the Chinese Air Force Academy=國際網際網路課題在空軍官校英語教學之應用 |
作 者 | 喬德麗; | 書刊名 | 筧橋學報 |
卷 期 | 6 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁451-474 |
分類號 | 805.1 |
關鍵詞 | 全球多媒體資訊網; 課程軟體; 英語教學; 國際網際網路; 電腦教學設計; Internet; Computer language instruction model; CLIM; World wide web; WWW; One-way ANOVA; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 國際網際網路不受時空限制,聲光影視俱全,資源多樣化,即時資訊以及線上對 話與視訊會議的環境,不僅改變了全球溝通的管道,對於學術研究及教育發展也有不小的衝 擊。由於網路資訊傳輸以英文為主,故對英語教學產生了巨大之衝擊。有鑑於傳統英語教學 所產生的弊端,導致學生學習興趣低落,教學成效不易發揮,本研究即藉由〞國際網際網路 〞,實施英語教學,來探討空軍官校學生對此教學模式的興趣、態度及成效。 經由問卷訪談,教室觀察等方式,本研究結果發現:學生對網路英語教學持正面的態度,學 習英語之動機亦明顯提昇,更能增強其英語溝通能力,同時加強了同學間及師生間的互動關 係。然而,學校電腦設備不足,網路傳輸緩慢,往往影響教學效果。因此,研究者建議,如 能克服設備缺失及加強課體之內容,必能彰顯成效。本研究希望能推廣網路英語教學,進而 提供未來英語教學及課程規畫之參考。 |
英文摘要 | English is taught as a foreign language in Taiwan. It is especially important for the cadets of Chinese Air Force Academy (CAFA). Therefore, I think that I endeavor to create a supportive learning environment. Using recent developments in information technology, I try to use the network instruction to give more effective teaching and help my cadets to improve their abilities and furthermore, to enhance their comprehension in English learning. in addition, the Internet-based environment also provides a variety of tools and methods to help evaluate the learning process and assess cadets' ability. Afterwards, the network instruction is like a knowledge treasure including multimedia and hypermedia; furthermore, it contains valuable resources under the World Wide Web. I teach the cadets how to use them and create the domain of knowledge. Data collected from the questionnaires, pre-test on language acquisition and posttest on network instruction, interviews and classroom observations show that the cadets have positive attitudes toward the Computer Language Instruction Model (CLIM) through the World Wide Web (WWW). This paper attempts to highligh some significant applications and evaluation issues on network instruction. And the goal is to provide suggestions to improve the teaching. Hopefully, this innovative model will be advocated and integrated into English instruction in the future. |