題 名 | 都市計畫通盤檢討規定對國民小學用地配置之課題分析--以臺北市大同區為例=Urban Planning Regulations Overall Review Analysis of Use Allocation of Elementary School Ground Take Ta-Tung District of Taipei as an Example |
作 者 | 黃定國; | 書刊名 | 臺北科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 32:2 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁233-263 |
分類號 | 527.25 |
關鍵詞 | 都市計畫通盤檢討; 國民小學; 用地配置; Urban planning overall review; Elementary schools; Land use allocation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 往昔國內國民小學之規劃與設置,大都依據都市計畫法有關公共設施設置之規定辦 理,面積皆固定為二公頃(不得少於二公頃),且設置數量及規模以都市計畫通盤檢討依據。 基於上述僵化式之規劃,產生(1)兩個國民小學區位過於接近,形成資源浪費;(2)未能充分考 量都市成長過程之變遷,尤其舊市區(本年度以大同區為例),都市人口老化,學童數減少, 造成校地資源過多。在新發展區,則都市人口年輕化,學童數多,造成資源不足;及(3)從未 以教育哲學或管理理論規劃學校,以至於在有限的校地面積中,學校班級數量無限制地擴張, 導致今日國民小學無論就區位、校地面積、學校班級數、學生規模等均產生若干問題。為解 決此問題,必須分別從實質與非實質兩個領域同時研究,以瞭解其課題癥結,並擬訂對策。 為解決上述問題,本文以實質計畫為觀點作研究,研究方法擬採用區位理論分析法;皆 析目前舊市區國小兒佈與資源評估,以臺北市舊市區大同區為例作研究。經由上述研究調查, 釐清並彙整所有課題,提出對策分析,據以擬定:(1)調整方案;及(2)用地配置等兩項原則。 最後題出具體建議,期望配合臺北市都市計畫通盤檢討,作合理的調整,以落實國民小 學的合理發展,達到以續經營的目標。 |
英文摘要 | In the past, an elementary school was planned and established in accordance with relevant orders and regulations of the Urban Planning Law. The size of dedicated land was set at two acres (not less than two acres). The number and scale of elementary schools were determined according to the Urban Planning Regulations Overall Review. Because of the above inflexible procedures, two undesirable results occurred: (1) tow school zones become too close with each other in proximity and valuable resources are wasted in redundancy; (2) insufficient consideration is given to the growth and evolution of a metropolis: especially, in a rundown district such as Ta-Tung District, aging population and exodus cause the number of pupils to decrease and an under-use of the school resources; on the other hand, in a newly developed district, the population is overly juvenile and school pupils overcrowd the school ground; (3) there was never school planning based on educational philosophies or managerial theories; inevitably, the number of classes is getting larger and larger unlimitedly on the scarce school ground and problems in location, ground size, student number and class number are mushrooming. So resolve the above problems, we need to investigate and research in substantive and non-substantive areas so as to understand the caused of the problems and provide proper solutions. The resolve the above problems, the Article adopts a substantive viewpoint. The district location theory analysis is used as the methodology to analyze the school distribution and resources allocation in old districts. The study uses Ta-Tung District as a subject for study. Based upon the above research methodology, the Article will discuss all the issues raised and propose strategies to formulate two principles:(1) an adjustment proposal; (2) the land allocation principle. Finally, propositions are proposed with a view to working together with the Urban Planning Overall Review. Reasonable adjustments are expected to implement the reasonable development of elementary schools and achiever the purpose of on-going operation. |