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題 名 | 鹽類對仙草凍動態流變性質之影響=Effects of Salts on the Dynamic Rheological Properties of Hsian-tsao Leaf Gum/Starch Mixed Gel |
作 者 | 趙秀真; 賴麗旭; | 書刊名 | 食品科學 |
卷 期 | 26:6 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁572-582 |
分類號 | 341.91 |
關鍵詞 | 仙草凍; 鹽類; 動剪切; 黏彈性; 頻率掃描; Hsian-tsao gel; Salts; Dynamic shear; Viscoealstic properties; Frequency sweep; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以不同濃度之單價 (氯化鈉及氯化鉀) 及雙價 (包括氯化鈣及氯化鎂) 鹽類添加於仙草葉膠與澱粉之混合懸浮液,經加熱冷卻後製成仙草凍,再以動態流變儀進行黏彈性質之測定。結果發現,仙草凍之貯存模量雖隨掃描頻率之增加而略為上升,然幾乎不受頻率大小之影響,耗損模量則隨頻率增加而顯著增加,顯示仙草凍之結構型態屬流變分類上之弱膠結構。適量之單價或雙價鹽類的添加皆有助於提高仙草凍之貯存模量(storage modulus, G')及耗損模量 (loss modulus, G”),且貯存模量增加的程度明顯大於耗損模量。仙草凍之相角正切 (tanδ) 因而隨鹽濃度之增加而有降低的趨勢,且貯存及耗損模量之交叉點 (Cross-over point) 隨鹽濃度增加而移至較高頻率區,顯示適量鹽類的存在有助於凝膠網狀結構之生成,然鹽類濃度過高反使凝膠變弱,貯存、耗損模量下降。 |
英文摘要 | Dynamic rheological measurement was performed on the mixed gel of 2 % hsian-tsao leaf gum and 4 % wheat starch as a function of salt type and concentration. The salt concentrations (Cs) studied ranged from 5 to 100 mM for sodium and potassium chloride, and from 0.85 to 10.2 mM for calcium and magnesium chloride. The storage modulus of the mixed gel showed a plateau-like shape, with the values increasing gently as the frequency rose, and it was greater than the loss modulus at lower frequencies. In contrast, the loss modulus showed a steeper gradient. This behavior may be classified rheologically as that of a "weak gel." It seemed likely that the weak-gel properties arose from side-by-side association of conformationally ordered chain sequences in junction zones analogous to those in elastic gels, but with lower binding energy. The storage modulus and loss modulus of the mixed gel increased and the tan delta decreased with increasing Cz to a certain extent. The crossover point of storage and loss modulus also moved to a higher frequency region as Cs increased. These results implied that the presence of appropriate amounts of salts could facilitate the formation of junction zones and enhance the entanglements between starch and hsian-tsao leaf gum. |