題 名 | 癌症末期病患家屬對「不予急救」之態度及其相關因素之初探=A Preliminary Study of the Attitudes toward DNR among Families of the Terminal Cancer Patients |
作 者 | 鄒海月; 王守容; 何裕芬; | 書刊名 | 榮總護理 |
卷 期 | 16:4 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁344-356 |
分類號 | 419.77 |
關鍵詞 | 癌症末期; 病患家屬; 不予急救態度; Terminal cancer; Patient's family; Attitudes toward DNR; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討癌末病患家屬對「不予急救」之態度及相關影響因素。研究經 立意取樣於民國85年4月13日至23日在某醫學中心,針對住院之癌末病患加數66位為研 究對象,以自擬之「家屬對『不予急救』之態度」及「病患治療現況」等問卷收集資料。研 究結果為:(1)家屬趨向於同意對癌末病患「不予急救」。(2)是否聽過「不予急救」或「安 寧照顧」與家屬採取同意「不予急救」。(3)病患有10.9﹪接受氣管內插管、14.1﹪使用人 工呼吸器、3.1﹪有接受CPR,顯示癌末患者有接受積極治療之情形;81.3﹪的家屬曾被告 之患者病況;21.9﹪的家屬曾由醫療人員主動討論過對病患「不予急救」的問題;有3﹪的 病患家屬簽署「不予急救」同意書及4.7﹪的病患接受安寧照顧。(4)家屬認為對癌末病患 「不予急救」的決定,病患清醒時應由本人作決定;對「不予急救」的討論,應在病患病情 惡化時或診斷確定後。(5)家屬對「不予急救」之待度與病患接受治療現況、是否簽署「不 予急救」及接受安寧照顧的現況無顯著相關。根據研究結果,研究者分別就行政與實務及未 來研究方向提出具體建議。 就行 政與實務及未來研究方向提出具體建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore attitudes toward DNR among the families of the terminal cancer patients. This study was conducted in a medical center, 66 families of the terminal cancer inpatients were investigated with structureed questionnaires. Results indicated that: 1. The families tended to agree with not resucitating the patients. 2. The families who had heard about the DNR or hospice care and those families who had patients over 60 tended to agree with the DNR. 3. More than about 14% of patients were assigned artificial respirator and received aggressive treatments. 4. 81.3% of families were informed about patients' prognosis; only 2L9% of families were approached to discuss the possibility of the DNR by medical personnel; 3% of families signed the DNR permit and less than 5% of patients had received hospice care. 5. 56.3% of families considered that DNR should be applied in accordance with the conscious patients themselves, and by families of the unconscious patient while 45.3% of families agreed that the attentive physician could make the decision. 6. 51.6% of the families thought that DNR should be discussed when the disease deteriorated, and 34.4% of them thought it should be discussed right after the diagnosis was established. 7. The family's attitude toward DNR was not significantly related to the patients' present status of medical care, whether the DNR consent was signed, and the present status of hospice care. |