題 名 | 鄉村師範專科學校(1946-1954):香港教師教育史上的重要一頁=The Rural Traning College(1946-1954):An Important Chapter in the History of Hong Kong Teacher Education |
作 者 | 方駿; | 書刊名 | 基礎教育學報 |
卷 期 | 9:1 民88.冬 |
頁 次 | 頁1-19 |
分類號 | 522.9281 |
關鍵詞 | 香港; 教育史; 師範教育; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 鄉村師範專科學校(1946-54)是一九四六年九月香港政府為解決戰後新界鄉村教師嚴重短缺問題而創立的。在一九五一年葛量洪師範專科學校(1951-94;一九六七年改名為葛量洪教育學院)建立以前,鄉師與羅富國師範專科學校(1939-94;一九六七年改名為羅富國教育學院)是當時香港僅有的兩所初等教育師資培訓院校。然而,這所曾為本港基礎教育作出頗大貢獻的師訓機構,卻被包括教育工作者在內的大多數港人所遺忘,學術界也沒有專門的文章去研究、探討它的歷史及貢獻。本文在梳理鄉師發展來龍去脈的基礎上,簡評該校對香港教育的貢獻,以期填補本港師範教育史上的一個研究空白。 |
英文摘要 | The Rural Training College (1946-54) was established in September 1946 by the Hong Kong authorities under the governorship of Mark Young to alleviate the growing pressure of providing trained teachers for rural schools in the post-war New Territories. Prior to the establishment of the Grantham Training College (1951-94, renamed Grantham College of Education in 1967) with which it merged in 1954, the RTC was one of the two single-purposed teacher education institutions in Hong Kong, sharing the responsibility of supplying qualified school teachers for the territory with the Northcote Training College (1939-94, renamed Northcote College of Education in 1967) which largely trained school teachers for the urban areas of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. To date, however, there is no single detailed study of this rural teacher's college, an important chapter in the history of Hong Kong teacher education. This paper, by utilizing primary source material and interviewing some former students and teaching staff of the RTC, reconstructs the 8-year history of the College with a focus on its contributions to the school education in Hong Kong. |