題 名 | 美國師資教育學程的發展=The Development of Teacher Education Programs in the United States of America |
作 者 | 蔡清華; | 書刊名 | 屏東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 9 1996.06[民85.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-32 |
分類號 | 522.4 |
關鍵詞 | 美國; 師範教育; 師資培育; 教育學程; 高等教育; 教育史; USA; Teacher education; Teacher preparation; Teacher education programs; Higher education; History of education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文採取文件分析(documentary analysis)的方法,探討美國師資教育學程的歷史、影響因素、及未來的發展趨勢;結果發現美國的師資教育學程歷經「師範學校」、「師範學院」、「州立綜合學院或大學」等發展階段,係受到諸多因素之影響,如人口、戰爭、社會變遷、教育因素等之影響。在教育因素方面,本文特別提出普通學校運動、歐斯威哥師範學校運動、赫爾巴特學會、兒童研究運動等因素對師資教育學程的影響。 其次,本文再依法令規章、師資教育機構、師資教育的基本理念、師資教育學程之內容、實施方式、評鑑、學生之特質、教授之特質、經費、師資教育學程之影響力等項分析當前美國師資教育學程的實施現況。 最後,本文提出美國師資教育學程之四項發展趨勢: 一、師資教育的學程將愈趨多元化 二、某種形式的評量在美國未來師資教育學程中將更為重要 三、未來的師資教育學程將更加重視學生的實務經驗 四、速成的「變通授證」師資教育學程將愈來愈晉及,是否會顛覆傳統師資教育學程,有待觀察。 |
英文摘要 | This paper utilized, the documentary analysis method to explore the historical development, influential factors, and the future trends of teacher education programs in the United States. The author traced the three stages of the program development: normal schools, teachers colleges, and state colleges or universities, and identified the historical, social, educational, and pedagogical factors underlining the development. Next, the author analyzed the current status of the teacher programs in United States. The items covered were as followed: codes & regulations regarding teacher education, teacher education programs and institutions, theoretical orientations, contents & components, teaching practices, evaluation, characteristics of teacher ed students, characteristics of teacher ed professors, financial resources, influence of teacher ed programs. The author finally predicted the four trends of U.S. teacher education program: 1.the teacher ed programs will evolve more and more plurally in their forms and contents, 2.some forms of assessment and evaluation wilt deserve more and more attention along the process of teacher education, 3.field experience will be put into the teacher ed program as early as possible, 4.alternative certification teacher ed program will gain more and more spots than ever, Whether if it will replace the traditional ones, it will need to be seen |