題 名 | 連續方程式之數值解及回收細礦粒之應用=Numberical Solution to Continuity Equation and Recovery Application of Fine Particles |
作 者 | 胡紹華; 翁林廷彬; | 書刊名 | 鑛冶 |
卷 期 | 43:3=167 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁112-121+104 |
分類號 | 452.7 |
關鍵詞 | 連續方程式; 數值解; 流動床; Continuity equation; Numerical solution; Flowing bed; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要利用數值分析方法探討連續方程式應用在柱狀槽中的流動懸浮顆粒與 流動床的固相之物質平衡,並比較上述兩種方法之差異,研究中分動別利用矽砂細顆粒在剛 玉流動床及鋁礬土細顆粒在矽砂流動床等三個系統做為研究對象。 由三個系統在不同時間沿著軸心所測得之濃度剖面得知,鋁礬土細顆粒較容易被矽砂流 動床所吸附,而矽砂細顆粒與煤炭細顆粒對剛玉的吸附能力則相對較低,該結果顯示鋁礬土 細顆粒石英流動床之吸附速率常數較高所致,因此若能求得吸附速率常數(Kf)與脫附速率 常數(Kr),則可利用數學方程式預測流經流動床之懸浮細小顆粒之濃度剖面。 將三個系統的結果分別以理論與數值分析求解,發現除了鋁礬土細顆粒在矽砂流動床該 組結果在兩種分析方法中稍有誤差,其餘二組之結果則大致相同,但因為該二種分析方法均 是求一近似解,因此很難說明那一種分析方法才是較好的。 |
英文摘要 | Numerical analysis is used in this study to solve continuity equation on the material balance between flowing suspension and solid phase of the fluidized bed. For realizing the difference between theoretical solution and numerical solution, three different systems (silica sand/corundum, coal/corundum, and corundum/silica sand) were used for experiments. By typical concentration profiles along the axial position at different times for three different systems, the results show that corundum fines are more easily adsorbed on silica sand bed particles than silica sand fines or coal fines on corundum bed particles. This is because the corundum/silica sand system has a higher value of adsorption coefficient. Once the adsorption rate constant (Kf) and desorption rate constant (Kr) are known we can utilize continuity equation to predict the concentration profile of suspension passing through the bed particles. It is obvious that the silica sand/corunumn and the coal/corundum systems have the same results obtained by theoretical and numerical solutions, but the corundum/ silica sand system shows a small difference between analytical and numerical solutions. It is to be determined which one is superior since the two methods are both approximated solutions. |