題 名 | 左傳倫理懿行釋義=The Definition of the Good Deeds of Tso-Chuan Moral Ethics |
作 者 | 楊美玲; | 書刊名 | 高雄科學技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 29 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁491-515 |
分類號 | 095.1 |
關鍵詞 | 左傳; 倫理道德; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「倫理」是規範人群社會間基本關係的道理。這「倫常」關係所賴以維繫的「道德觀念」,二者在實踐履行的意義上,當可視為一體。「道德」雖可說是一種判斷是非善惡的標準,然而在春秋時代,縱使君不君、臣不臣、父不父、子不子,甚且臣弒其君者有之,子弒其父者有之,但在社會、國家中,一切的是非、善惡、利害、價值,仍有一股正義公理昭然呈現。這實在是因為中國固有的傳統文化中,「倫理道德」依然深植人心,並且昇華在「精神」上,啟示著、激發著人們從內修明道,到外治德業,到天下平和的理想上。不管是孝弟敬讓,抑或仁義忠信,抑或廉恥智勇的實踐和履行,所切要的即在於一已內心自覺而呈現的本然精神。 本文的研究動機,期從《左傳》當中道明德立的君子,在人與人間相互對待的倫理實踐中,其對「是與非」的真知灼見,自我人格的涵養工夫,與理想世界的付諸行動,正足以肯定春秋時代的人生價值。故在研究方法上,即以《左傳》載述的倫理懿行,做一番圓融的詮釋,而不做其行為的理論分析,也甚少涉及考據。畢竟在這樣一個「周德既衰,官失其守」的社會背景下,能對世道人心與民生教化的建樹有功者,即在那深植人心的傳統 倫理思想的激發與啟示。 全文共以三節來闡義:一、孝弟敬讓的懿行;二、仁義忠信的德業;三、廉恥智勇的自覺。最後以此倫理精神對後世之影響,來期勉今人知所惕勵做結。《漢志》有言:「古之學者耕且養,三年而通一經,存其大體、玩經文而已。」吾等在玩索經文之餘,尚能對左氏之言,有一番深切著明的體會,那麼對今日世風日下、人心不古的澆薄習尚,庶幾有匡正時弊之志矣! |
英文摘要 | Ethics is the principle of modeling of basic relationship between multitude and society. And the moral concept that to hold together the moral relationship in the meaning of fulfillment, both are regarded as an organic whole. However, the morality ethics is the standard of judging right or wrong, good or evil; in the period of Spring And Autumn, monarch is not a monarch; courtier is not a courtier; father is not a father; son is not a son; even that courtier murdered his monarch; son murdered his father; the righteous and self evident truth are all to clear. It is because that the moral ethics of the traditional culture of China are still deeply bathed in human's heart, raising up in the spirit, and arousing human's being. No matter how to fulfill filial and fraternal duty, respect and yield, benevolence and righteousness, faith and honest, honor and shame, wise and brave, that is important showing the sense of nature which comes from self-consciousness. The research motive of this article expects to give a complete explanation for those who have noble character and integrity in TSO-CHUAN, and to approve the life value in the period of Spring And Autumn, to rectify the criminal practicing and sinful thoughts in the Modern Age. Therefore, it seldom analyzes deeds-theory or involving textual criticism. After all, at that weakly and insecure times, the deeply traditional moral ethics is the only way to establish life education, changing human's minds from bad to good. There are three sections to explain. First, it is the good deeds of filial and fraternal duty, of respect and yield. Second, it is the virtue of benevolence and righteousness, of faith and honest. Third, it is the self-consciousness of honor and shame, of wise and brave. At last, the effect of moral ethics to this times are the understanding of encouraging for next generation under conclusion. |