題 名 | 開孔型防波堤透過率之研究=Transmission of Water Waves by Perforated Breakwater |
作 者 | 岳景雲; 曹登皓; 李輝生; | 書刊名 | 力學 |
卷 期 | 15:1 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁71-80 |
分類號 | 443.31 |
關鍵詞 | 防波堤; 透過率; 剛性; 薄板; 厚度; Breakwater; Transmission; Rigid; Thin plate; Thickness; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文係以複合邊界元素法(Composite BEM)來解析在一定水深的海域裡,考慮有 兩列相互平行,分別於海面及海底均設有剛性垂直結構物,而中間開孔之消波結構物型態, 被配置於梯形斜坡堤之頂部,在前後孔口大小定,探討沒水深度,結構物間距及厚度改變時 ,研究波浪垂直入射時透過率之大小,以瞭解其擋波效果,經由本文數值模式驗證及其計算 例結果顯示可得到幾點結論:利用複合邊界元素法可以很有效率並兼具系統化地處理在海域 中極薄板(厚度趨近於零)問題而得到不錯的結果;波浪通過兩列開孔型防波堤的透過率呈 震盪型變化。此與一列開孔型防波堤透過率之變化較為平緩且隨著無因次週波數增加而漸減 是有所不同的,同時發現前後開口沒水深度相同豆間距大時易產生零反射全透過現象,增加 結構物厚度或改變沒水深度均可降低透過率值並減少尖峰值的產生。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this paper was to analyze the wave transmission in two parallel vertical barriers with small gaps on water waves. The rigid vertical barriers extend from the sea bottom with a slit at some distance from the water surface. The barrier has a slit of 2a which is situated at mean submergence D below the water surface at a finite depth. The transmission coefficients of the water waves are calculated using the composite boundary element method (Composite BEM) for different wave conditions, slit sizes, barrier thicknesses, spacing and submergence. For a single barrier the transmission coefficients decrease as kh increases. However, when the submergence of two barriers are equal, the phenomena of zero reflection and complete transmission can be found. The peak of transmission increased and tended to the smaller kh as the spacing is increased. The perforated breakwater becomes more efficient (i.e., the transmitted wave energy becomes smaller), when the thickness or the submergence of the barrier become larger. |