- 使用水冷式風扇對改善熱季公豬精液性狀之可行性
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- Differential Responses of Serum Luteinizing Hormone in Boars After Pulsatile Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Injections Between Cool and Hot Seasons of a Subtropical Environment
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- 品種、季節及採精間距對公豬精液性狀的影響
題 名 | 使用水冷式風扇對改善熱季公豬精液性狀之可行性=Feasibility of Application the Water Cooling Fan for Semen Quality Improvement of Boar During the Hot Season |
作 者 | 廖宗文; 劉芳爵; 李茂盛; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 32:3 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁227-232 |
分類號 | 437.65 |
關鍵詞 | 公豬; 精液性狀; 熱季; 水冷式風扇; Boar; Semen characteristics; Hot season; Water cooling fan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗使用成熟藍瑞斯公豬10頭、逢機分成對照組及試驗組,每組 5 頭。試驗組 公豬於每日上午 10 時至下午 4 時, 使用水冷式風扇,驅風至公豬身體,以達到降溫效果 ,並評估對改善精液品質的效果。 試驗自 85 年 7 月 15 日起進行至 11 月 15 日止,歷 時 4 個月,期間對各公豬利用假母臺,以手壓法採精,每隔 4 天或 5 天採精一次。 精液 性狀之測定項目包括:精液量、精子濃度、精子活力、總精子數、精液 pH 值等。試驗結果 顯示,由冷風扇所送出的空氣溫度,在冷風扇前方 10 公分處測定者皆低於 28 ℃,而於 7 、8、9、10 及 11 等五個月份,使用水冷式風扇降溫之公豬精液, 其精子濃度極顯著高於 未使用水冷式風扇之公豬者( P<0.01 ),而總精子數亦有比較多的趨勢( P<0.10 ),惟 其他精液性狀則未有顯著的差異;顯示在熱季時,公豬受熱緊迫,使用水冷式風扇,可改善 其產精性能。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of application of water cooling fan on semen quality improvement during the hot season. A total of 10 Landrace boars were randomly allocated into control and experimental groups with 5 boars each. Boars were trained to mount the dummy and semen was collected by the gloved-hand technique. The interval for semen collection was once per 4 to 5 days through the period between july 15 and November 15, 1996. Semen characteristics including semen volume (gel-free) , sperm motility, sperm concentration, total sperm and semen pH were examined against each ejaculation collected. The results showed that the temperature of cool air propelled from the fan was below 28C. During hot season including July, August, September, October and November, the sperm concentration significantly (P<0.01) increased by the application of water cooling fan on working boars. The total sperm production also tended to be improved (P<0.10). There were no improvement in either semen volume per ejaculation, sperm motility or the semen pH value. It was concluded that during hot season, the concentration of boar semen will be significantly increased by the application of water cooling fan in the boar barn and this could be due to the fact that much less detrimental effect from heat stress was found in these boars. |