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題 名 | 地下開採坑室礦柱法礦柱回收安全性分析=A Study on the Safety of Pillar Recovery in Underground Dolomite Stope and Pillar Mine |
作 者 | 蘇義松; 張瑞麟; | 書刊名 | 鑛冶 |
卷 期 | 43:2=166 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁122-129+135 |
分類號 | 452.33 |
關鍵詞 | 地下開採; 礦柱強度; 礦柱應力; 安全係數; Underground excavation; Pillar strength; Pillar stress; Safety factor; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來,由於環保意識的興起,再加上台灣土地多山區,因而許多重大工程及採 礦業都有朝地下發展的趨勢,而這其中礦柱的強度、應力,以及開挖後坑室的變形量多寡, 均對於地下開採之安全性與穩定性有著及重要的影響。然而為了增加礦石可採率,礦柱回收 為一必要之趨勢。本研究乃是挑選花蓮縣聯峰白雲石地下坑室作為測試地點,首先進行礦區 之地質、節理及岩體砰分之調查,分析礦柱安全係數,以期對測試區之現地應力,礦柱應力 礦柱強度及安全係數等基本條條有充分的了解,測試則是利用開採後所遺留之坑室巷道,來 進行變形量量測。本研究在經費及觀測的時效與精密度的考量下,在礦柱上安裝 6 組共 21 支收斂釘來觀察礦柱由 13m X10m 縮減至 8m X 8m 後之變形情形。 藉由上述監測結果,可 以得知礦柱回採後的安全性及穩定性。 |
英文摘要 | In many parts of Taiwan, because of rugged mountainous topography and recent concern on environment, there are more and more civil construction projects and mining operations using underground excavation. Support system and associated safety problems are among the most critical issues in underground methods. It is obvious that the stress and strength of pillar have great influence in stability and safety of mining operation. However, in order to increase productivity, pillar ribbing in retreating is also a common practice performed in many mines throughout of the world. Currently, in Taiwan, there are mining regulation related to the pillar size of underground mining operations. Because the experiences are mainly gained in coal mining, it is necessary to view the rules for industrial minerals mining. This research is aimed at analyzing the pillar safety problem using Lian-Fang dolomitem which is located in Eastern Taiwan and engaging in stope and pillar operation, as an experiment site. Theoretical analysis was first performed in which traditional methods were compared with newly developed Luder and Pakalnis method in calculation of safety factor. In-situ monitoring of the displacement of pillar by tape extensometer was also recoded for back analysis. The results of this study reveal:(1) Hoek and Brown method is too much conservative in hard rock mining of Eastern Taiwan, (2)Luder and Pakalnis method is suitable for Lian-Fang case, (3)current regulations on pillar size are strict which are up to adjust. |