題 名 | 全球化,在地化與學習型區域:理論反省與重建=Globalization, Localization, and Learning Region: Theoretical Review and Reconstruction |
作 者 | 王振寰; | 書刊名 | 臺灣社會研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 34 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁69-112 |
專 輯 | 國家與全球化專題 |
分類號 | 553 |
關鍵詞 | 全球化; 在地化; 區域經濟; 學習型區域; 社會制度; 網絡; Globalization; Localization; Regional economies; Learning regions; Social institutions; Networks; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文討論有關全球化論述中的三個關鍵問題:全球化是否真的出現﹖在地 (local) 或區域空間本身是否在全球化中失去意義﹖以及後進國,例如東亞,的 發展是否在全球化過程中失去競爭條件﹖本文將指出質疑全球化是否發生的論點 並沒有看到資本主義在質上的轉變,而且某些區域在全球化階段也不會失去重要 性。我將指出這些區域受到區域特殊資源因素和交易成本的影響,而且具有學習 型區域的特性。從此角度,本文將討論第三個問題,指出後進國或東亞在全球化 階段的發展,受到這二因素的影響。生產要素決定性低的產業,由於全球化而外 移;而前期在世界分工中累積和學習的知識,則在區域內形成社會機制,成為區 域性但又全球連結的產業。我將說明後進國經濟發展的學習和追趕特質,並以此 反省既有的發展理論及其缺憾。 |
英文摘要 | This paper intends to clarify three major issues in the current debates on theories of globalization. Does globalization really occur ﹖ Does locality lose its significance in the age of globalization ﹖ And, do the latecomers such as the East Asian economies have lost their competitiveness in the new era ﹖ I will argue that those who decline the thesis of globalization miss the qualitative transformation of global capitalism. Also, this paper argues that some localities will not lose its importance in the age of globalization for their distinctive local resources or assets and due to the factors of transaction costs. I use the learning region theory to support this argument on the global-local nexus. Based upon the above discussion, I will argue that the latecomers will not lose their important role in the highly mobilized global economies. For these economies have learnt knowledge and skills in the former stages and these have become their social capital. Some industries that are based on low skills may have migrated to other regions, however those that need high skills and tacit knowledge have to depend on social institutions to support and these are not tradable goods and non transferable. Finally, I will argue against various theories of development based on the above statements and emphasize the importance of learning and social institutions in the caching up economies. |