題 名 | 後進者的全球化--東南亞臺灣企業地域生產網絡的建構與對外投資經驗=Latecommer's Globalization: Taiwan's Experiences in FDI and Reproduction of Territorial Production Networks in Southeast Asia |
作 者 | 周素卿; 陳東升; | 書刊名 | 都市與計劃 |
卷 期 | 28:4 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁421-459 |
分類號 | 553.9 |
關鍵詞 | 經濟全球化; 全球在地化; 對外投資; 臺商; 地域生網絡; Economic globalization; Glocalization; Foreign direct investment; Local production network; Transnational corporations; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在分析臺商以海外投資和生產網絡建立為主的全球化經驗,用來影顯新興工業發展國在經濟全球化歷程下的特性,及其和先進國家不同的發展模式。本研究選擇在馬來西亞、泰國、印尼和越南投資的臺灣企業當作研究案例,分析電子業、紡織業、機車製造業和製鞋業的臺灣商企業在投資國移植與建立生產組織網絡的不同形式,研究結果發現處於世界分工體系半邊陲位置的臺商,是受到生產要素成本過高與先進國家客戶的降創壓力,而被動到海外投資,其本上是一種防衛生的國際化或全球化。臺商在東南亞投資設廠主要的目標是快速的建立具有價格和品質競爭力的產品製造基地,所以他們必須因地制宜,非常權變的動員的和應用各種資源,因此會基於企業組織規模、企業經營策略、投資地點既有的經濟與社會條件、和產業結構件件等的特性,採取全面移植、部分移值、或是當地組建等不同生產網絡的建立模式。臺商海外生產組織建立策略的多樣性與生產組織成員的異質性,是臺西跨國投資的重要特徵之一。其次,大多數臺商在東南亞的投資與生產組織的建立缺乏有系統且長程的規劃,生產投資在不同國家的流動是相當快速的,臺灣的投資必然會考量當地的各種修件,不過臺商企業生產關係的在地化,通常是與當地臺商企業間的連結關係,而不是與當地人經營企業的生產合作,有限的在地化與生產投資的流動性高是臺灣企業的另外一項特徵。 |
英文摘要 | This paper aims at discussing the characteristics of Taiwan's foreign direct investment in Southeast Asia. It tries to illustrate that Taiwan is a latecomer, but plays a specific role, in the process of economic globalization. Her experience in FDI, has been characterized by the internatinalization of production activities, which can be named as a defensive FDI, since the late 1980s. therefore, how Taiwanese enterprises rebuild their local production networks in foreign manufacturing sites is an illustrative model for the globalization engendered by a newly industrialized country, such as Taiwan. This paper uses Taiwan enterprises on our different industries in different Southeast Asia countries to compare their strategies of building local production network along with their FDI. The results show that heterogeneities exist not only among enterprises, but also among areas. This is a reflection of how Taiwan enterprises mobilize their limited resources intertwining with how they adapt to the local environment. It is an experience of glocalization exercised by Taiwan enterprises in Southeast Asia countries as well. |