題 名 | 太極拳對老年人感覺運動功能的影響=The Effects of Tai-Chi-Chuan on Sensorimotor Function of the Elderly |
作 者 | 林佩欣; 曾旭民; 鄭寶釵; 黃美涓; 鄭復旦; | 書刊名 | 中華民國物理治療學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 24:4 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁1-11 |
分類號 | 411.71 |
關鍵詞 | 太極拳; 老年人; 平衡能力; 感覺運動功能; Tai-Chi-Chuan; Elderly; Balance; Sensorimotor; Function; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 跌倒經常是造成老年人身體狀況改變、慢性病的發生及功能衰退的開端。以運動 方法增進老人感覺運動功能(senorimotor function),對其平衡能力及穩定度將有助益,應 是跌倒防治的方法之一。 太極拳乃中國人之國粹,是很適合本土化發展的一種老人運動。然而文獻對於太極拳對 老年人感覺運動協調功能及維持平衡能力的效果之研究很少。故而本研將從事這一方面之探 討。 本研究針對21位有定期操練太極拳一年以上的65歲以上男性;及19位年齡、教育程度及 工作性質相仿,未曾練過太極拳的老人,施以感覺運動功能評估(sensorimotor function assessment)。此評估的內容主要為平衡能力、下肢肌力、神經肌肉控制協調能力 (neuromuscular control)及反應時間(reactiontime)。 統計分析以多變項共變數分析法(Multivariate Covariance Analysis of Variance, MANCOVA)來分析獨變項(太極拳組與非太極拳組)及各依變項之間的關係;將與欲分析之依 變項有顯著相關的人口學資料(年齡、身高、體重)取為共變項。至於和人口學資料無顯著 相關的依變項,則以多變數分析法(MANOVA)或獨立t檢驗(Independent t-test)來分析。 實驗結果顯示有定期操練太極拳者,其平衡能力明顯優於同年齡但無操練太極拳者。至 於其他測量,如:姿勢控制能力、下肢肌力、反應時間、及神經肌肉協調控制能力,兩組間 並無明顯差異。 對於此結果的意義和本研究的限制、作者於文中有所討論。本研究的結果乃初步結果, 進一步的研究相當需要。 練習太極拳的好處,除已知可增進心肺功能外,對平衡能力亦有助益。所以在如今老人 跌倒引起的醫療和照護問題日益嚴重之時,太極拳確實是值得推廣的老年人保健運動。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the effets of long-term Tai-Chi-Chuan practice on sensorimotor function among elderly people in Taiwan. A total of 40 male volunteers were recruited. Among them, 21 subjects (mean age 69) have been practicing Tai-Chi-Chuan regularly for at least one year (average 7 years), while the other 19 (mean age 68) do not have any experience of practicing Tai-Chi-Chuan at all. Their performances on sensorimotor function were determined jointly by measurements of balance, lower extremity muscle strength, reaction time, and neuromuscular coordination. In order to control for variables by body weight and body height, Multivariate Covariance Analysis of Variance (MANCOVA) was employed to examine the effect of Tai-Chi-Chuan practice upon their performances. In comparison with those without experience of Tai-Chi-Chuan practice, experienced subjects performed significantly better on balance function evaluation (body sway evaluation)(F=8.0, p<.01). However, there were no significant differences between two groups for other sensorimotor variables. The current experiment offered support for positive effects of Tai-Chi-Chuan upon balance of the elderly people. Therefore, long-term regular practice of Tai-Chi-Chuan may be a potential tool in the prevention of elderly accidental falls. Further studies are needed to evaluate the application of Tai-Chi-Chuan in clinical settings for prevention of elderly falls. |