題 名 | 時間電價下汽電共生系統最佳運轉策略=Optimal Operational Strategy for Cogeneration System Under Time-of-Use Rates |
作 者 | 蔡明堂; | 書刊名 | 正修學報 |
卷 期 | 12 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁143-149 |
分類號 | 448.115 |
關鍵詞 | 汽電共生系統; 進化規劃法; 時間電價; Cogeneration system; Evolutionary programming; Time-of-Use; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要目的是探討汽電共生系統之經濟調度問題,本文首先針對運轉中鍋爐,測量每一 種燃料量及蒸汽量之值,並利用曲線密合 (Curve fitting) 方法,尋求在每一鍋爐中每種燃料熱值和 輸出蒸汽的相關曲線,並在各種實際運轉限制條件下,尋求鍋爐燃料最佳分配。在汽電共生系統運 轉效益評估方面,本文考量汽電廠本身的系統及電力公司的系統結合,在時間電價(Time-of-Use, TOU) 架構及不同燃料狀況下,求得汽電共生系統中各鍋爐之燃料、蒸汽及機組之間調度的模式,促使系 統能在最佳化模式下運轉,進而降低燃料及購電成本。本文將利用進化演算規劃(Evolutionary programming,EP) 之演算法則的計算流程,以解決鍋爐燃料調度問題及汽電廠機組調度問題,藉由 EP的搜求得目標最佳 (Global Optimal) 而非區域最佳(Local Optimal)。透過本文的執行,將提出一 個確實汽電共生系統負載分配及經濟運轉模式,以解決汽電共生廠中經濟調度及最佳購售電問題, 提供有關業者對汽電共生系統運轉之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The major goal of this paper is to study the economic dispatch problem for cogeneration systems. The fuel consumption and steam generation will first be measured. Curve fitting method will then be used to get I-O (Input-Output) curve for the heat input and the steam generation output. With the curves and all the operational constrains, the optimal fuel dispatch problem could be solved. This paper will also consider the connection of the cogeneration system and utility company in terms of time-of-use and various fuel consumption. Evolutionary programming (EP) will be adopted to solve the mentioned problems. The fuel and generation unit dispatch problem will be resolved by using EP to get a global optimal instead of a local optimal. The methodology developed in this research could provide a practical model for both the utility company and the cogeneration industry to follow. |