題 名 | 新管理典範下的企業倫理=The Business Ethics under the New Management Paradigm |
作 者 | 許士軍; | 書刊名 | 通識教育季刊 |
卷 期 | 6:3 民88.09 |
頁 次 | 頁35-46 |
分類號 | 198.494 |
關鍵詞 | 倫理; 企業倫理; 管理典範; 統理權; 創業精神; 網絡組織; Ethics; Business ethics; Management paradigm; Governance; Entrepreneurship; Network; Mutual trust; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 雖然企業倫理有關問題之討論已有長久之歷史,但多強調企業對於社會或消費者有所回饋,即使這樣做將影響企業所能獲得之最大利潤。但是隨著外在經營環境之巨變,今後企業之經營與管理本身亦發生根本上之改變,所謂典範轉移,可自企業生存之正當性基礎、統理權和代理權的衝突、工作之人性化發展組織層級,為創業精神所取代,以及跨組織的網絡體系之出現等等趨勢上予以說明。在這些趨勢中,互相信任發現居於核心地位,缺乏此一要素,上述種種新典範將無法有效運作,甚至導致混亂狀態,故如何培養及維持各有關人群間之信任,乃是新管理典範的倫理基礎。 |
英文摘要 | In spite of the fact that business ethics has been an issue discussed long in human history, the emphasis, however, has been placed mainly on the argument that business firms should contribute to the wellbeing of the large society and their customers even at the expense of their own otherwise attainable profits. Nevertheless, with the drastic change taking place recently in the external environments, there are likewise, fundamental changes in the way how business firms are run and managed. So-called "paradigm shift " in this regard has manifested in all aspects of business entities, such as the legitimacy of their survival, the contending forces between governance and agency, the humanizing of work, the rising entrepreneurships replacing hierarchical control within the organization, and the emerging form of network transcending relationships among independent firms. All these has converged on one thing, that is, the central importance of mutual trust between various parts concerned; without this indispensable ingredient, the whole system would collapse, at least, be in chaos. Therefore, it is contended in the article that mutual trust provides the most important ethical foundation of management under the new paradigm. |