題 名 | 企業經營者道德特質對企業倫理風格之影響研究=A Discussion on the Relationship between CEO's Moral Characteristics and Corporate Ethic Style |
作 者 | 余坤東; 徐木蘭; | 書刊名 | 人文及社會科學集刊 |
卷 期 | 10:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁399-419 |
分類號 | 198.49 |
關鍵詞 | 企業倫理; 定性研究; Corporate ethics; Qualitative research; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 企業倫理的塑造與推動,最大的影響力在於企業內部,而經營者尤其扮演舉足輕 重的角色。但在既有的文獻中,對於經營者道德特質與企業倫理行為關聯的探討卻十分少見 ,而事實上,忽略了經營的因素,極易造成制度與經營者的風格無法配合,導致企業倫理在 落實上的失敗。因此,對經營者道德特質與企業倫理行為的關聯,作一深入探討,不僅可以 彌補學術研究上的欠缺,也對於企業倫理落實上有所助益。本研究旨在探討經營者道德特質 與企業倫理風格的關聯,經由人員訪談並對訪談內容作有系統的論述分析,歸納出經營者道 德特質、企業倫理環境與企業倫理行為間的若干關聯,主要發現包括:(一)經營者的道德 特質型態,與企業活動所著重之倫理行為確有關聯;(二)經營者的道德特質型態,亦會造 成整個企業之倫理環境的不同。所以,企業倫理的落實,在制度的設計、推動方面,應特別 考慮經營者的因素,否則極易產生配合不佳的問題,造成落實成果不佳。 |
英文摘要 | As modern enterprises have been pushed to be more socially responsible, corporate ethics is now becoming a critical issue in the field of business administration. In the process of formulating the ethics of a corporation, the CEO plays a key role; the moral characteristics of CEOs are closely linked to the ethics of a corporation. The primary purpose of this research is to delineate the relationship between a CEO's moral standards and the ethics of corporations. Research findings are as follows:(1) a CEO's moral standards do have a relationship with the ethics of a corporation. If a CEO adopts an "absolute" moral standard, a corporation would tend more to emphasize a work ethic;(2) a CEO's moral standards also affect the ethical climate of a corporation. CEOs of different moral philosophies tend to use different means to enhance ethical corporate behavior. |