題 名 | 跨世紀護理技職教育規劃之初探=A Preliminary Exploratory as a Bridge to the 21眫 Century Through Planning Nursing Educational Subsystems of Vocational& Technological Educational Systems |
作 者 | 徐曼瑩; 葉美玲; 邱淑芬; 吳祥鳳; | 書刊名 | 醫護科技學刊 |
卷 期 | 1:1 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁9-23 |
分類號 | 419.63 |
關鍵詞 | 一貫課程; 護理技職教育; Articulate and integrated curriculum; Nursing educational subsystems of vocational & technological educational systems; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 配合教育部推動技職教育一貫課程規劃的政策,本研究採行動研究法探討了規劃未來十年護理技職教育體系之三個問題:(1)未來護理技職教育的定位、目標和功能為何?(2)未來護理技職教育設置所系科的依據指標和原則為何?(3)護理技職教育發展課程應考慮的課題為何?研究獲得七項結論:(1)未來護理技職教育定位在培育我國醫療職場需要的員、士、師和專科師等四級人員,其目標和功能兼顧學生的就業和進修;(2)未來護理技職教育體系設置所系科應反映職場需求的多元化,重視質量的均衡;(3)未來護理技職教育課程規劃應具備基本內容架構,反映畢業生的一般能力、職場能力、基礎能力、和科技能力,朝多元性、彈性、一貫性等方向發展;(4)未來護理技職教育高層級的所系應以學程本位規劃其課程,並成立具功能性的課程發展委員會以持續發展和修正課程;(5)未來護理技職教育畢業生進路的入學方式和執業證照考試兩方面均應配合課程的研發而修正;(6)未來護理技職教育新設所系科和學程應要求附上具體實證性的檔案化資料;(7)未來護理教育各層級學校應由中央教育行政單位負起規劃總責,地方教育單位負起執行課程評值和修定的工作以因應社會的快速變革。本文亦對未來規劃護理技職教育及其課程方面提出了五項建議。 |
英文摘要 | The study explored the issues that would be related to the planning of nursing educational subsystems of Vocational and Technological Educational Systems(VTES) for the future 10 years. An action research method was taken to answer the questions of: (1) What will be the nursing educational subsystems' position, goals, and functions? (2) Which principles and indicators should be used as a basic criteria for setting up a department or a program for the future nursing educational subsys' tems?(3)What issues should be considered while developing nursing curriculum? The results include seven conclusions as follows:(1) The nursing educational subsystems of the VTES will foster four levels of personnel for nursing market : the basic level-nurse assistant(員級), the second level- staff nurse(士級), the third level-charge nurse(師級), and the fourth level - specialists(專科師級). Educational Goals and functions should consider both the students' job market and the students’ advanced study.(2)The departments and programs set up by nursing schools in the VTES should reflect that the needs of nursing job market, the balance between quantity and quality.(3) Any plan for nursing curriculum should have its basic content map and reflect graduates’ general , occupational , basic , and technological competencies, and its development must be multi-plurality, flexibility and system oriented. (4)Program should be used as a strategy for developing higher level of nursing education and curriculum of the Vocational & Technological Education Systems in the future. A standing committee for curriculum development and evaluation should be conducted in any level of nursing schools. (5)The issues of entrance and licensure examination for the nursing educational subsystems of the VTES should be re-examined along with revolution of the nursing curriculum.(6)While applying for a new department or a new program, the nursing schools should present the concrete and empirical documents related.(7)The Educational Board should take the responsibility of planning and local Educational Department should take the responsibility of curriculum evaluation and revision in the future. |