題 名 | 從微氣象資料推估奧古斯丁草地之蒸發散量=Estimating the Evapotranspiration of Augustine Grass from Micro-meteorological Data |
作 者 | 徐森雄; 陳蕙蕙; 沈立文; 陳六合; | 書刊名 | 中華農業氣象 |
卷 期 | 6:2 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁105-112 |
分類號 | 430.1637 |
關鍵詞 | 微氣象; 奧古斯丁草; 蒸發散; Micro-meteorology; Augustine grass; Evapotranspiration; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究於國立屏東科技大學教學氣象站植奧古斯丁草之觀測坪內進行,除原有 例行之氣象觀儀器外並另行架設一組氣象資料自動測錄系統,進行微氣象觀測及 葉面積指數之量測。將取得之氣象資料分別利用熱收支法、空氣力學法及彭蔓 (Penman)氏改良法來推估奧古斯丁草地蒸發散量,探討所推估之蒸發散量值之變 異,並分析其與氣象站蒸發量及奧古斯丁草地葉面積指數間之關係。觀測期間自 1998年7月至1999年1月,分析結果得悉:熱收支法推估值之逐時變化趨勢與日出 日落較為符合。熱收支法、空氣力學法與彭蔓氏改良法所推估之蒸發散量,其變化 趨勢頗為一致,彼此間之相關係數亦均在0.815以上。三種推估值與氣象站蒸發量 較,以空氣力學法推估值較為偏低,約為氣象站蒸發量之52%,而以彭蔓氐改良法 之推估值與氣象站蒸發量最為接近。奧古斯丁草為屬矮小匍匐性植株,株高僅約10 cm,葉面積指數與地中熱流雖呈反比關係,但葉面積指數之變化與蒸發散量未呈明 顯之對應關係。 |
英文摘要 | This study was conducted in the observation lawn of meteorological station of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. The observation lawn was covered with Augustine grass (Stenotaphrun secundatum (Walt.)Kuntze). In addition to original equipments for normal meteorological observation, an automatic data acquisition system for micro-meteorological observations was established as well. The evapotranspiration of Augustine grass was estimated by heat balance method, aerodynamics method and modified Penman method. Based on the micro-meteorological data from July 1998 to January 1999, the results obtained can be summarized as follows: The hourly variation pattern of the estimated value by heat balance method coincided with photoperiod from sunrise to sunset. The estimated values by heat balance method, aerodynamics method and modified Penman method showed a similar long term variation pattern, and the corresponding correlation coefficients were greater than 0.815. The estimated value by aerodynamics method under-estimate 50% of evaporation than those observed at meteorological station, while those by modified Penman method closed Augustine grass has crecping stems and about 10cm in height. Its LAI show an inverse correlation with soil heat flux, but the variation of LAI is not significantly correlated with evapotranspiration, |