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題 名 | 鈣離子阻斷劑對兔子肌筋膜引痛點自發性電位之影響=The Effect of Calcium Channel Blocker on Spontaneous of Trigger Points in Rabbits |
作 者 | 侯春茹; 鍾高基; 陳若佟; | 書刊名 | 中華醫學工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 19:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁143-149 |
分類號 | 415.9413 |
關鍵詞 | 引痛點; 自發性電位活動; 鈣離子阻斷劑; 平均積分值; Trigger points; Spontaneous potentials; Verapamil; Average integrated value; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 肌筋膜疼痛徵候群(MPS)為常見的肌肉疼痛疾病。其特徵為在肌肉緊張帶上有一 特定敏感的引痛點(trigger points, TrPs)及引傳痛。最近於TrPs的肌電訊號研究中,在 肌肉緊張帶的一些特定區上記錄到特徵化的自發性電位活動(spontaneous potentials, SP) 與神經終板不正常的電位活動相似。TrPs的概念為目前臨床、基礎研究及復健治療的主流, 但有關TrPs與不正常終板電位活動之間的相關性,尚待科學化的驗證,因此本研究目的為 利用兔子模式及訊號處理的方法,探討鈣離子阻斷劑(verapamil)對肌筋膜TrPs上SP的影 響,本實驗使用八隻紐西蘭成兔,記錄股二頭肌肌肉緊張帶上TrPs的SP訊號,以其平均積 分值(AIV)作為SP訊號量化分析之特徵參數。第一階段探討verapamil對肌肉緊張帶上同一 TrPs之影響,記錄與分析兔子在注射verapamil(實驗組)與生理食鹽水(控制組)後,SP隨 時間變化的效應。結果顯示:控制組在同一TrPs上SP的AIV與時間無關,實驗組SP的AIV 隨時間的增長而呈顯著地線性降低(R=0.514, p<0.05)。第二階段探討verapamil對肌肉緊 張帶上25個不同位置TrPs之影響,分析比較兔子在注射verapamil與生理食鹽水後,SP 是否有顯著的差異,結果顯示:實驗組的平均AIV(6.72±3.25)在統計上顯著地小於控制組 的平均AIV(8.99±4.81)(p<0.05)。本實驗的結果顯示鈣離子阻斷劑對單一TrPs及肌肉緊 張帶上TrPs區的SP有顯著的抑制效應。經由本實驗系統化的統計分析結果,發現以AIV作 為量化分析SP之特徵參數的可行性相當高,臨床上能夠客觀量化TrPs的疼痛程度。最後本 研究結果顯示應用兔子模式探討肌筋膜疼痛TrPs之電生理學研究具高度的信賴度。 |
英文摘要 | Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), which is characterized by trigger points (TrPs) on palpable taut band and referred pain, is a Common musculoskeletal pain disorder, Recently, spontaneous potentials (SP) associated with abnormal end-plate potentials can be recorded from TrPs by needle electromyography recording. The concept of TrPs is widely implemented to clinical and basic research as well as therapeutic treatment of MPS, but more scientific studies are needed to validate the correlation between SP of TrPs and abnormal end-plate potentials. This project was to investigate the effect of a calcium channel blocking agent (verapamil) on SP of TrPs. Eight adult Newzeland rabbits were used to record the SP on TrPs from femoral biceps. Signal processing technique was applied in quantitative analysis, and average integrated value (AIV) of the SP signal was used as a characteristic index. In first phase, the effect of verapamil and normal saline (control group) on SP of the same TrPs was investigated. The results showed that in verapamil group, AIV from the same TrPs is linearly decreasing with time (R=0.514, p<0.05), but AIV has no significant change with time in control group. In second phase, the effect of verapamil on 25 different TrPs was compared to control group. The mean of AIVs of 8 rabbits in verapamil group (6.72±3.25) was significantly lower than that of the control group (8.99±4.81) at p<0.05. The results of statistical analysis indicate that using AIV as an evaluation index is feasible for objectively quantifying SP. In conclusions, calcium channel blocker could effectively inhibit the SP of TrPs. The rabbit model seems to be highly applicable to investigate the TrPs on MPS. |