題 名 | 話本小說之體製形式在清初的重大變化=The Great Changes of the Literary Form of Hua-pen hsiao-shuo In The Early Years of Ch'ing Dynasty |
作 者 | 徐志平; | 書刊名 | 嘉義技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 64 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁129-149 |
分類號 | 827.2 |
關鍵詞 | 話本小說; 體製形式; 入話; 正話; 情節; 短篇小說; 中篇小說; Hua-pen hsiao-shuo; Form; The Prologues; Main story; Short story; A medium-length novel; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 話本小說經過宋、元話本時期和明代擬話本時期的長期發展之後,到了清初,其 體製形式發生了重大的變化。所謂體製形式,指的是話本小說的非情節因素,也就是構成話 本小說的外形,而與正話的故事情節並不相涉的部分,包括回目、入話、插詞,以及篇幅、 回數的變化情形等等。本文即從這四方面進行探討,第一節討論篇目、回目的變化情形,第 二節討論入話中頭回故事減少以及逐漸擺脫入話窠臼的演變狀況,第三節討論插詞的減量與 變形,第四節討論話本小說由短篇向中篇發展的現象,第五節結語,說明了清朝初年的話本 小說於形式的發展方面,在中國小說史上具有擺脫傳統的說書包袱,開創純小說風貌的承先 啟後的重要價值。 |
英文摘要 | Hua-pen hsiao-shuo is very special in its literary form, before the main story, it has a prologue that includes a poem, a discussing, and a brief story. All such kinds of literary form including the title of the novel had changed greatly in the early years of Ch'ing Dynasty. There are four sections in this paper. In the first section I will discuss the changes of the title of Hua-pen hsiao-shuo. The second section discusses the brief story in the prologue, which had gradually become shorter or eliminated. Section three examines the poems in the main story, which had also eliminated gradually. The final section discusses how the Hua-pen hsiao-shuo had changed from short story to a medium-length novel. By this study, we may more realize why Chinese novel can break away from traditional form and become a "pure novel" after all. |