題 名 | 空間分析在土石流發生潛勢研討之應用--以陳有蘭溪為例=Application of Spatial Analysis on Debris Flow Potential Study--A Case Study of Chen-Yu-Lan Creek Watershed |
作 者 | 蘇明道; 王元愷; 劉哲欣; 林俊宏; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 45:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁52-62 |
分類號 | 434.273 |
關鍵詞 | 地理資訊系統; 空間分析; 數值地形; 土石流; GIS; Spatial analysis; DTM; Debris flow; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 地理資訊系統( GIS )內之網格資料不同於一般習見之向量格式,是以矩陣表示 一連續平面上之各項圖徵,適於用來表示空間中如土壤物化性質、地形等連續變化之自然特 徵;空間分析則是利用網格結構模擬自然分佈地理資料複雜之實際狀況並進行分析,進而從 中擷取相關資訊,達到輔助空間決策之目的。 本研究利用 GIS 中網格資料空間分析能力, 探討由數值地形( DTM )資料分析推求河川分佈持性並判定溪流發生土石流之危險程度的 可行性,文中以南投地區陳有蘭溪流域為研討對象,由陳有蘭溪流域之數值地形資料建立該 區域之河川分佈狀況及集水分區,再以集水面積、河川長度、河川坡度三項基本地文因子判 斷土石流危險溪流,並經由空間分析建立流域內發生土石流潛勢之分佈圖。研究結果顯示經 由 GIS 技術及 DTM 資料,可以快速有效的對大面積做初步之評估,找出可能產生土石流災 害之區域,做進一步調查研討或進行相關防災措施之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Spatial analysis in Geographic Information System (GIS) is to extract decision support information from geographic data especially those in raster format. Raster format is capable of capturing the continuous characteristic of spatial data such as soil and terrain which are hard to be represented by vector format. This paper applies the spatial analysis techniques to the study of debris flow potential. Chen-Yu-Lan Creek watershed in central Taiwan was used as study area. The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) data of the target watershed was used to derive the river system of the region. Topographic characteristics such as watershed area, reach length, bed slope were computed from the DTM data. Areas with high debris flow potential were identified for future management reference. The DTM and GtS spatial analysis are found to beuseful and efficient in locating the potential hazardous area. |