題 名 | GIS 3D應用於地下水位之研究=The Study of Underground Water Levels Using the Technique of GIS 3D |
作 者 | 徐輝明; 趙紹錚; 黃賢統; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 45:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁83-89 |
分類號 | 443.67 |
關鍵詞 | 地理資訊系統; 地理資訊系統3D; 地下水; 鑽孔; 數值地形模型; GIS; 3D GIS; Underground water; Boring hole; DTM; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要目的在應用地理資訊系統(GIS)探討宜蘭地區地下水之分佈狀況,GIS 之應用軟體為 Arc/Info 3.4.2、ArcView 3.0a 及其外掛模組 3D Analyst(ESRI), 宜蘭地 區之平面電子地圖則採用內政部營建署所數化之 1/25000 臺灣多層底圖中之部分圖層, 大 地起伏則採用中央大學遙測中心之數值地形檔,地下水之資料則以蘭陽地區近五年來之新建 工程及建築之鑽探資料為主,鑽探資料以地下水之資料為主,而以其他地質資料為輔,故除 展示地下水狀況外,相關之地質資料亦予以展示,ArcView 3D 模組 (TIN) 為其主要應用模 式,其中等高線、剖面分析、表面分析 (Surface Analysis) 等功能應用於地下水之分析, 分析之結果可提供宜蘭地區土地應用之極佳之依據,本文除以 GIS 3D 實際應用於地下水的 角度外,並對其 GIS 3D 之應用作一廣泛之探討。 |
英文摘要 | The major objective of this research is to study the current distribution of the underground water levels of the I-Lan plain areas using a tool of Geographic Information System (GIS) 3D. The digitized or computerized data such as area maps, DTM elevations, and boring holes' water tables were collected and processed. And then the data were analyzed through the use of the GIS 3D tool which adopted ARCVIEW 3D ANALYST as a trial. The ARCVIEW 3D modules such as Contouring, Cutting Surface Analyzing, etc. were powerful and so helpful for the study. The conclusions of this study not only updated the current distribution of the water tables of the I-Lan plain areas but also pointed out some other new observations. |