題 名 | 元好問的題畫詩=Summary of Yuan Hao-wen's Ti-hua Shih |
作 者 | 鍾屏蘭; | 書刊名 | 屏東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 12 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁157-171 |
分類號 | 831.99 |
關鍵詞 | 元好問; 題畫詩; Yuan Hao-wen; Ti-hua shih; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 一般所謂的「題畫詩」,是指以畫作為題詠對象的詩篇,也就是詠畫的詩。元好 問題畫詩共有一百八十三首,本文分從其內容、特色與價值,作一探究。 內容方面,主要將其題畫詩分為:描寫畫中的景物;兼論畫技或畫家;由畫生情,抒寫一己 襟抱遭遇;借畫發論,體現學養與人生經驗;以及由畫境聯想社會現實,反映時代情況等五 大類析探,以見其豐富多樣的內涵及藝術技巧。 特色方面:主要從體裁形式、風格神韻兩方面探討。體裁形式上,以七絕居多,古詩次之, 並且完全不用律體與五絕題畫。風格神韻方面,氣格豪邁、沈鬱頓挫有似杜甫;歸隱山林、 超曠出塵則似蘇軾。而生長雲朔,天稟本多豪邁英傑之氣,及個人一生遭遇,更是形成特色 基調的主因。 價值方面:其題畫詩保存了頻年戰亂的金源畫家重要的經眼與流傳資料。另一方面,他的題 畫詩多是由畫境聯想現實、反映時代,流露出社稷焚滅的痛苦,突破了前代題畫詩的表現範 疇,開後來題畫詩結合國家興亡、社會現實的題詠方式。 |
英文摘要 | Ti-Hua Shih is a poem which used the painting to be a subject and inscribe the poem on the painting. There are 183 Ti-Hua Shih which was written by Yuan Hao-Wen. This article is researched on his poem's content, characteristics, and value. There are five points specify Yuan Hao-Wen's content and skills: 1. To describe the person or a view in the paining 2. To discuss the skill and the painter of the painting 3. To use the paint to his misfortune 4. To express his knowledge and life experience 5. To inflect contemporaneous situation There are two ways to discuss Yuan Hao-Wcn's characteristics: form and style. Yuan Hao-Wen liked to use a verse of four lines with seven characters to a line and ancient style. He never used identical number of characters neatly paired off word and a verse of four lines with five characters to a line to write in the painting. Yuan Hao-Wen's Ti-Huan Shih kept the most information from King's painter. His Ti-Hua Shih reflected that contemporary people's pain about defeat of the country. He also broke the category for old Ti-Hua Shih and created the new way for posterity. |