題 名 | 八十七年臺北縣立委選舉競爭群之評估--多變量方法之應用=A Case Measure of Voting Groups for Taipei County 3-in-1 Legislators Election in 1998-The Application of Multivariate Statistics Method |
作 者 | 林豐政; 溫博仕; | 書刊名 | 民意研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 208 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁35-59 |
分類號 | 573.3 |
關鍵詞 | 擴充樣本; 多元尺度分析法; 主成份分析法; 複式Logit模式; Spearman相關分析; Extension sample; Multidimension scaling analysis; Principal component analysis; Multiple logit model; Spearman correlation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 多變量統計方法應用於企業經營和管理決策上的分析,已是相當普遍的工具。而本研究主要利用中華民國民意測驗協會於87年三合一選舉有關臺北縣三個選區之立委選舉的選前民意調查中的部份問項內容及樣本資料,應用多變量方法進行立委選舉人的競爭群定位、強度指標建構、以及在選民不同背景組合下較具競爭力之候選人的支援結構推估等研究,以期能在此次三合一選舉中對臺北縣的三個選區之區域立委選舉,提供另外的分析工具和一些訊息。 |
英文摘要 | The application of Multivariate statistical methods to the analysis of business operations and management policies is already quite commonplace. The major data source employed for this paper is part of the content and sampling data of the 1998 pre-election public opinion polls carried out by the Chinese Association for Public Opinion Research for the legislators for the Taipei County 3-in-1 elections. Multivariate statistical methods were utilized in various studies, including determining voting groups, strength index construction of legislative candidates, as well as support structure estimates of bringing together the most competitive candidates for voters with different backgrounds in hopes of providing another analytical tool and some information for the three Taipei Country electoral sectors for the legislators elections in this 3-in-1 election. ords: extension sample, multidimension scaling analysis, principal component analysis, multiple logit model, spearman correlation |