題 名 | 中文電腦化適性測驗系統軟體之研發=A Chinese Computerized Adaptive Testing System Developed for Classroom uses |
作 者 | 李茂能; | 書刊名 | 國民教育研究學報 |
卷 期 | 5 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁29-62 |
分類號 | 521.3 |
關鍵詞 | 中文電腦化適性測驗系統軟體; CCAT; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在簡介中文電腦化適性測驗(CCAT)系統之研發目的、架構與使用方法。首 先,說明本測驗系統之研發目的與所涉及之相關理論及技術。其次,分析學校中 常用之測量方式,以決定本測驗系統之主要架構:電腦化適性成就測驗(CAAT)、 電腦化適性精熟測驗(CAMT)、電腦化適性等第評量測驗(CAGT)與電腦化紙筆式測 驗(CPPT);並陳述各子系統相關之Visual Basic程式物件的結構與功能。最後, 概述本測驗系統之各項操作步驟、建立題庫之方法、與安裝本適性測驗系統之注 意事項。 本測驗系統之基本特色為(一)測驗中可隨時變換文字與圖形大小,(二)圖 文可以整合,(三)可提供診斷性資訊,(四)搭配Otek International公司所發 行之「語音精靈」軟體,可以朗讀測驗題幹與選項,(五)具偵測「異常作答行為」 之機制,(六)同時具有題庫「參數估計」與「適性施測」之功能,(七)可以播 放Midi音樂與聲波檔,(八)題庫中之難度可以自動重估,(九)題庫中題目之曝 光率可以自動檢查。 |
英文摘要 | The main purposes of the present article are (l)to analyze which components of a Computerized Adaptive Testing(CAT) are most needed in school testing settings, (2)to describe briefly related theoretic foundations required for developing a CAT, (3)to explain how CAT is developed or programmed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. and (4)to introduce the necessary steps to run the 4 sub-systems of CAT: Computerized Adaptive Achievement Testing, Computerized Adaptive Mastery Testing. Computerized Adaptive Grading Testing, as well as Computerized Paper-Pencil Testing, (5)to guide the user to build a test bank. and (6)to explain how to set-up the Chinese CAT system(CCAT). The CCAT was designed with the following special features: (1) Font size or picture size may be adjusted during testing, (2) Graphics can be embedded in the text. (3) Diagnostic information can be obtained, with an immediate test result. (4) Test items can be read aloud with the help of Otek Speech Wizard, (5) Student's unusual response patterns can be detected, (6) Parameter estimation and adaptive testing can be easily done within the CCAT, (7) Sound or music in midi- or wave- form can be played with the text, (8) Item difficult estimates in the item bank can be automatically recalibrated after enough data collection of examinee's responses, (9) Item exposure rates can be automaticallv checked for test security. |