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題 名 | 我國上市公司成長、槓桿與托賓Q關聯之研究=The Relationship Among Growth, Leverage and Tobin's Q in Taiwanese Stock-Listed Companies |
作 者 | 俞海琴; 陳慧娟; | 書刊名 | 風險管理學報 |
卷 期 | 1:1 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁81-101 |
分類號 | 563.54 |
關鍵詞 | 槓桿; 成長; 托賓Q; 資本結構; Tobin's Q; Leverage; Growth; Capital structure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文係研究我國上市公司槓桿、成長與托賓Q間之關係。文中選取1988年至1993年間,在臺灣證券交易所上市之第一、二類股票為研究樣本,並按篩選標準選取共764個有效觀測樣本為研究對象,運用多元迴歸分析法加以分析。文中首先將樣本依托賓Q大於1及小於1劃分成二類,並將成長變數當成預測變數,再選取公司槓桿、風險、規模及產業別為預測變數及控制變數,探討在不同的公司績效下,槓桿、風險、規模與成長間之關係。 結果發現,當公司托賓Q大於1時,其銷貨收入成長率與淨值成長率皆和槓桿間呈正向顯著關係;然當托賓Q小於1時,其銷貨收入成長率則與槓桿間則呈負向顯著關係,淨值成長率則與槓桿間關係不顯著。企業的β風險對公司成長之影響,皆未達顯著水準。另外,無論公司之托賓Q是大於1或小於1,公司規模對其銷貨收入成長率及淨值成長率皆呈顯著負向影響。 |
英文摘要 | This paper attempts to examine the relationship between leverage, growth and Tobin's in Taiwanese Stock-Listed Companies. We collect their financial reports from 1988 to 1993m screen out 764 effective samples. We first separate the samples into two groups based on their Tobin's Q greater or less than 1. Then we use growth variable as a dependent variable, and leverage, β risk, size, industry dummy as independent variables. Try to find the relative phenomenon between these variables. The empirical results reveal that leverage has positive significant influence on corporate growth if its Tobin's Q greater than 1, but has negative significant influence on corporate growth if its Tobin's Q is less than 1. |