題 名 | 兩岸銀行業效率及其影響因子之分析--Metafrontier函數之應用 |
作 者 | 陳碧; 林宛蓉; 陳彧夏; | 書刊名 | 評價學報 |
卷 期 | 1 2009.05[民98.05] |
頁 次 | 頁12-27 |
分類號 | 562.29 |
關鍵詞 | 營運槓桿; 企業成長機會; 財務績效; 固定資產結構; Input distance function; Technical efficiency; Capital adequacy; Metafrontier; Technology gap ratio; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文經由frontier4.1軟體估計台灣與中國中國大陸銀行各自的隨機邊界距離函數,得到影響技術效率的因子包含(1)技術效果:隨著時間經過技術效率有先惡化後改善的現象。(2)資本適足率:在兩岸銀行的表現上,與技術無效率顯著為負向關係,表示愈高的自有資本相對總資產比率有較好的技術效率。(3)銀行規模:台灣地區愈大規模之銀行愈無效率;相反的,中國大陸地區則呈現出較大規模的銀行有較高的效率。(4)銀行產權結構:台灣地區公民營銀行效率差異不明顯;中國大陸地區國有銀行效率低於股份制銀行與政策性銀行。(5)金融自由化:將觀察期間區分為三個時期,觀察金融自由化的腳步,是否顯著的影響兩岸銀行業,不過實證結果發現兩岸銀行的技術無效率,隨金融自由化改善的現象並不顯著。由metafrontier距離函數的估計結果,台灣銀行業整體的平均技術缺口值0.9072,優於中國中國大陸銀行業整體的平均技術缺口值0.6956,所以台灣銀行業整體的確定性邊界投入距離函數比中國中國大陸銀行業整體的確定性邊界投入距離函數更靠近metafrontier的兩岸整體邊界。就平均的技術效率而言,台灣銀行業整體的平均技術效率0.3268;中國中國大陸銀行業整體的平均技術效率相為0.3675,兩岸的平均技術效率值差距不大。 |
英文摘要 | We estimate stochastic distance function for Taiwan and Chinese banks separately through Battese and Coelli's software frontier 4.1. The determinants of technical efficiency include (1) technical effect: As time goes on, technical efficiency gets worse at beginning and later improves upon; (2) capital adequacy: It's negatively related to technical inefficiency, which means the banks with higher capital to total assets ratio have better technical efficiency; (3) scale effect: For Taiwan's bank, the larger the bank the less the technical efficiency; while it is opposite for Chinese banks; (4) ownership structure: There is no difference in technical efficiency for private owned or government owned banks in Taiwan while wholly state owned banks in China is worse than joint-equity banks; (5) deregulation effect: It's not significantly related to technical efficiency change for banks of both countries. Through metafrontier input distance function estimation, the average technology gap ratio for Taiwan's banks is 0.9072, which is better than average ratio of 0.6956 for Chinese banks. The average technical efficiency for Taiwan's banks is 0.3268, which is quite close to the average of 0.3675 for Chinese banks. |